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Keeping up with the Jones's makes you sad!

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I have just started to read a book called affluenza, its about how wanting the latest things, wanting bigger and better makes us depressed and feel inadequate. how we respect people for how much they earn instead of who they are again making us feel inadequate, And the path to true happiness is having what we need instead of what we want. whats your thoughts on this?


I agree with this - up to a point.


I sometimes think the glut of home improvement & appearance improvement programmes on tv feed into that mentality you've highlighted, and the desire to look better and have more things than others have is a proxy for low self esteem & a desire to be approved of by others. Not too different from kids wanting the best trainers and designer gear so they won't be shunned in the playground....

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I agree with this - up to a point.


I sometimes think the glut of home improvement & appearance improvement programmes on tv feed into that mentality you've highlighted, and the desire to look better and have more things than others have is a proxy for low self esteem & a desire to be approved of by others. Not too different from kids wanting the best trainers and designer gear so they won't be shunned in the playground....


yes. and at what point dont you agree?

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Renting a shared room in a (debt financed) B2L HMO from the Jones's make you angry.


The "Jones's" nowadays are merely used as an excuse for people to take on debt, or to brag about being debt free (especially after buying a property for 2 times income 30 years ago). And debt is rewarded up to a point, or at least has been, mortgages as a case in point, especially those buying under Thathcer's privatisation of social housing.


Young Dave on the dole could grow food and sell it for a profit, perhaps making some £20 a week. Where would he be for his efforts?


He'd be on the dole, allowed to keep £5 and £15 would be reduced from his benefits. He has to live somewhere and all he is entitled to is a room in a shard house. His landlord (the Jones's) would be getting the mortgage paid, (Dave can't access social housing, nor does he earn enough to compete with the [landlord] benefits system for private housing).


He could be doing something productive, but he can't compete with the system, the only work available pays a pittance and is precarious. He can't really better himself by doing something productive like growing food, as it doesn't pay...


Meanwhile, people elsewhere in the world starve to death, and other keep getting record bonuses!

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