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Keeping up with the Jones's makes you sad!

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Have you contracted the affluenza virus?


do you agree with any of the following (yes/no)


q1. i would like to be a very wealthy person?

q2.i would like to have my name know by many people?

q3.i would like to successfully hide the signs of ageing?

q4.i would like to be admired by many people?

q5.i would like to have people comment about how attractive i look?

q6.i like to keep up with fashions in hair and clothing?

q7.i would like to have my name appear frequently in the media?

q8.i often compare what i own with what others own?

q9.possessions can be just as important as people?

q10.shopping or thinking about what to buy greatly preoccupies me?

q11.if a friend cant help me get ahead in life, i usually end the friendship?

q12.i'm less concerned with what work i do than with what i get for it?

q13.i admire people who own expensive homes,cars ,clothing?

q14.my life would be better if i owned certain things i dont now?

q15.the things i will own will say a lot about how well i have done in life?

q16.i want a lot of luxury in my life?





if you answerd yes to any of the questions,then you have, like most people in the english speaking world,contracted the virus. the more you answerd "yes", the more infected you are and the greater your likelihood of becoming emotionally distressed.

The problem with your quiz Andy is that some of the outcomes are desirable unless you're actually an ascetic.

Who would say no to q1, to say no to that you'd have to be the kind of person that would actually choose not to take a lottery win (some people choose not to buy a ticket, but lets pretend a hard up friend buys a £1 ticket as a birthday gift).

There aren't many people who would actually turn down being very wealthy and why would they, it certainly makes life easier.

And q5, everyone likes to be complemented, it's good for our self esteem.

The rest of them I can't really disagree with though.


now take the test to see how distressed you are-





do you suffer from afflenza distress?


Q1. recently have you felt so down that no ammount of anything made you feel more chipper?

a. never

b. occaisionally

c.off and on

d.quite often



Q2. have you recently felt irrationally worried about things?



c-and so on.....

Q3.recently have you been so shagged out that its a real effort to keep going


Q4.recently have you been so jumpy or irritable that feeling relaxed is impossible?

Q5.recently, has it seemed to youthat there is no light at the end of the tunnel, that the future is bleak?

Q6.recently, have you found yourself unable to stay in your chair for more than a few moments at a time?

Q.7recentley have you felt pathetic, incompetent or useless?

Q8.recently, have you felt that living you normal life is like wading through mud, exhausting?

Q9.recently, have you cursed yourself for being fat, stupid,or lazy, or have you been self -attacking or even self loathing?

Q10.recently, have you become such a bag of nerves or so keyed up that you cant keep your hands or feet from tapping, or cant get absorbed in what you are doing?

scoring 5 points for a

4 points for b

3 points for c

2 points for d

1 point for f

what you score means,

if you score 10 to 19, you are not distressed

if you score 20-29, you are moderately distressed

if you score 30-50 you are severley distressed




I'm not sure if those can be assumed to be related to a desire for wealth, someone can be depressed like that with it being nothing to do with wealth.

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this took me ages to type!!! and nobody has done the test!:|

Some of us know about Maslow's Hierarchy.

Some of us know that our parent's generation was more status orientated in accordance with the 70s, 80s when there was much growth in the country, and many industries.

Some of us are already Mrs Jones. Or Miss Pennypincher.

Some of us have grown out of chasing the dream.

Some of us know the manufacturing prices of goods and things, and that branding sells, and not quality sells.


Fact. Fact. Fact. Fact. FACT. :hihi:

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Some of us know about Maslow's Hierarchy.

Some of us know that our parent's generation was more status orientated in accordance with the 70s, 80s when there was much growth in the country, and many industries.

Some of us are already Mrs Jones. Or Miss Pennypincher.

Some of us have grown out of chasing the dream.

Some of us know the manufacturing prices of goods and things, and that branding sells, and not quality sells.


Fact. Fact. Fact. Fact. FACT. :hihi:


is that a fact?:hihi: the books good anyway

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The problem with your quiz Andy is that some of the outcomes are desirable unless you're actually an ascetic.

Who would say no to q1, to say no to that you'd have to be the kind of person that would actually choose not to take a lottery win (some people choose not to buy a ticket, but lets pretend a hard up friend buys a £1 ticket as a birthday gift).

There aren't many people who would actually turn down being very wealthy and why would they, it certainly makes life easier.

And q5, everyone likes to be complemented, it's good for our self esteem.

The rest of them I can't really disagree with though.


I'm not sure if those can be assumed to be related to a desire for wealth, someone can be depressed like that with it being nothing to do with wealth.


Yup who would not like to be admired, that question definitely needs to be more specific. I would like to be admired for being a nice person thats nothing to do with keeping up with the jones's. Who would not like to be wealthy? I think the problem is the word "like" maybe it should be "do you think it is important"


I would like to be rich, beautiful, successful... Is it important to me? not so much!

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