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Have the riots made people more racist?

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I'll field that one. If we're talking about young black people its a mixture of socio-economics and a backs-against-the-wall mentality due to being made to feel unwelcome in the country they live in.


Or perhaps its the black rap/hiphop artists that young blacks are listening to perpetuating the above "truisms".

Exactly. A youth sub-culture which glorifies drugs, firearms and gang criminality.
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You mean answer a question with a question as you did. Not to worry, If you can't answer your own question most will get the picture, so no pressure.
I asked you a question which you seem reluctant to answer; I effectively answered it in my last post.


Will you now venture an opinion, or continue to avoid doing so?

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Was that an answer, or just a lame attempt at redirecting the subject to the EDL?


No. Gang, crime, violence, rape, guns are a simple fact of life not restricted to Black youth culture. The simple fact is it's prevalent in most cultures. The point is why?


The point with the EDL is they don't have youth to fall back on..it's main protagonists are adults who spew out the same type of hatred. Had a feeling the mention of the EDL racist gang might wobble you a bit though.

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No. Gang, crime, violence, rape, guns are a simple fact of life not restricted to Black youth culture. The simple fact is it's prevalent in most cultures. The point is why?.
It is prevalent in most cultures, and not restricted to black youths but but far, far more a part of black youth culture than others - that's the whole point.


The point with the EDL is they don't have youth to fall back on..it's main protagonists are adults who spew out the same type of hatred. Had a feeling the mention of the EDL racist gang might wobble you a bit though.
Wobble over the EDL? Hardly - if you think I have the remotest sympathy for that bunch of mindless cretins you're very wrong indeed.
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It is prevalent in most cultures, and not restricted to black youths but but far, far more a part of black youth culture than others - that's the whole point.


Then explain why. What makes Black youth more inclined than White youth?



Rap music?:roll:


Look at any area that's defined as crime ridden and you find consistency not in skin colour but the socio economics of that area including a breakdown in the application of law. Russia has a very low percentage of Blacks, yet gang and violent culture is massively on the increase and outstripping that of the drug cartels in South america.

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