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Have the riots made people more racist?

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I tell you what I think on the original question,


I recon that with what is happening now with the Government and the policies being carried out due to this world wide depression in growth everyone is on tender hooks and do not know what the future holds for them financially. Because of this everyone is questioning where they may find themselves and are looking to blame the people below them financially because what they have is maybe where they maybe finding themselves.


This insecurity has made people blame from the bottom up, so now everyone who is on benefit are the bad guys for having dare claim for because of there in-ability to find work.

Now that the people that have had the benifit of work maybe finding themselves feeling uneasy about the prospect that they too may need to claim, they are more than willing to have a go at the people in the system.

I feel the Government has played a big part in this with it reteric and attack on the benifits system by blowing out of the water benifit fraud as an argument to cut down on the benifit bill. Everyone has been sucked into this because while you are looking down you are not looking up. Its nothing to do with all in it together and all that crap when the people who created it are untouched in relative terms in their life style, while the rest of us are making huge adjustments in our lives because of things that were done in offices and not in the front room of someone claiming incapacity benifit.


Whats the point of my ranting ? Well the point is this... even the people claiming benifit are looking to blame someone and who better than other people that claim benifit but maybe because they are not white they so maybe everyone will think that they are bigger leachers on the Taxes than them ?

With what the Government has come and said on the issue of rioting ,they suggest that its people on benifits by saying that they are looking into taking the benifits off the people rioting, thus instilling in the white populas mind that these people are taking from the system and all we have ever been taught is its last in first out.


I don't think that its made people more racist although being white I will honnestly say that I have heard a lot about these people in the riots being 'black' or '****' or whatever, although the people saying it I don't think are actually racists, they are expressing what they saw in the media and that was that black/ethnic communities were the majority rioting.

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I wasn't asking you I'm asking ronthenekred.

BTW is ronthenekred a "they"


I was just giving my humble opinion, I put they as I didn't know if the poster is a he or she and should have used he/she but hey you knew what I mean't and it isn't an English test so...

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I was just giving my humble opinion, I put they as I didn't know if the poster is a he or she and should have used he/she but hey you knew what I mean't and it isn't an English test so...
So why did you chip in when I was asking ronthenekred to clarify his comment?
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Quote:Originally Posted by Bassman62

Exactly the thread starter is assuming all people were already racist.


But bang on target in your case.


can you be a little more explicit stating exactly what you mean?


I'll repeat my unanswered question "can you be a little more explicit stating exactly what you mean?"

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I don't think that its made people more racist although being white I will honnestly say that I have heard a lot about these people in the riots being 'black' or '****' or whatever, although the people saying it I don't think are actually racists, they are expressing what they saw in the media and that was that black/ethnic communities were the majority rioting.
Never heard the word **** used in this particular situation.


According to '1love' the statistics showed that it was "it was 50% black, 49% white and 1% asian." which is utterly dissproportianate


The amount of previous crimes commited by this scum is also utterly dissproportianate which makes that alone a good enough reason to point this out.


Since when has speaking the truth become racist especialy looking at very recent serious crime issues reported in the 'Sheffield Star'.


The recent upsurge major crimes such as murders on the streets of Sheffield have not been carried out by white Sheffielders and has nothing to do with the current world financial situation.

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Since when has speaking the truth become racist especialy looking at very recent serious crime issues reported in the 'Sheffield Star'.


The recent upsurge major crimes such as murders on the streets of Sheffield have not been carried out by white Sheffielders and has nothing to do with the current world financial situation.


I was looking on the Star website yesterday and all the serious crime they were reporting on was committed by white people. There was the rape of a bloke in Rotherham town centre by a white bloke, two white blokes who nicked a Landrover in Derbyshire and while fleeing police drove the wrong way round roundabouts and on the wrong side of the road at fantastic speeds, four drunk young white blokes who kicked someone's head in for a laugh, a white ex-services bloke who defrauded banks so he could set up a cannabis factory and a white ex-teacher who's gone inside for paedophilia.


The problem with racists like bassman is they ignore white crime. He'd comment on a black cannabis-dealer but not on someone like Harold Shipman. And he's so committed to Sheffield he lives in Derbyshire.

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I was looking on the Star website yesterday and all the serious crime they were reporting on was committed by white people. There was the rape of a bloke in Rotherham town centre by a white bloke, two white blokes who nicked a Landrover in Derbyshire and while fleeing police drove the wrong way round roundabouts and on the wrong side of the road at fantastic speeds, four drunk young white blokes who kicked someone's head in for a laugh, a white ex-services bloke who defrauded banks so he could set up a cannabis factory and a white ex-teacher who's gone inside for paedophilia.


The problem with racists like bassman is they ignore white crime. He'd comment on a black cannabis-dealer but not on someone like Harold Shipman. And he's so committed to Sheffield he lives in Derbyshire.


And if anyone had posted that, saying Black or Asian and not white the bigots on here would be calling them racist for posting it .......... double standards ....... hypocrisy ...... you bet :thumbsup:

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Perhaps the OP should instead have asked "Did the riots make people more aware of ongoing problems with racial divisions in society and a problem with some communities being reluctant to integrate with the mainstream".

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