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Have the riots made people more racist?

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Originally Posted by shims

Racists try to latch onto circumstances as a justification for their illogical views; normal people don't, so these incidents, participated in by a significant number of non-whites are likely to have encouraged those who are already racist to be more vocal; possibly in the misapprehension that fair-minded, intelligent folk will agree with them.


You don't have to be a member the brainstrust to know and be aware that a massively dissproportianate amount of crime in the recent riots was carried out by black people and you're not a racist for saying so.

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You don't have to be a member the brainstrust to know and be aware that a massively dissproportianate amount of crime in the recent riots was carried out by black people and you're not a racist for saying so.


do you think that there is something inherant in being black that makes someone more likely to commit this sort of crime?




black and other minority communities have, for all sorts of reasons, always been on the edge of society and generally been poorer, one of the effects of government policy over the last 30 years has been to make poor people even poorer and that has disadvantaged these communities even more


so, given that these riots were the poor and disconnected kicking back, does the proportion of black people involved reflect the racial distribution of the poor rather than society in general, in which case there is nothing significant about the numbers.

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do you think that there is something inherant in being black that makes someone more likely to commit this sort of crime?




black and other minority communities have, for all sorts of reasons, always been on the edge of society and generally been poorer, one of the effects of government policy over the last 30 years has been to make poor people even poorer and that has disadvantaged these communities even more


so, given that these riots were the poor and disconnected kicking back, does the proportion of black people involved reflect the racial distribution of the poor rather than society in general, in which case there is nothing significant about the numbers.


Especially also when the area is disproportionally Black.


Bassman would probably argue that Seweto has a high disproportion of Black crime. :hihi:

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So why did you chip in when I was asking ronthenekred to clarify his comment?


It's a public forum and i wanted to get my 2p worth in, if you have a problem with that then tuff. I didn't answer because i was taking off to work.

Ethnics do work as well you know.

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So you compare car theft by a white person to shootings/murders by black people


I quoted crimes committed by white people and of all those crimes you only mentioned the least serious. I gave you the chance to condemn rape, paedophilia, gbh and dangerous driving and you refused because they were committed by white people. I think that sums racists like you up. Turn a blind eye to rape and paedophilia.

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