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Have the riots made people more racist?

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There were specific racial types committing different types of cime back in London in the 90s. There was a big problem with black males and street robbery in Haringey, Hackney and Islington. Asian males were more likely to commit 'fraud type' crimes and as for white males? Getting boozed-up and fighting at football matches? But there was some correlation between the ethnic background of the offender and the type of crime committed and I expect there still is.

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Riots? would that be a large group of people rampaging around causing general violence and mayhem? like football hooliganism that still happens occasionally, the participents of which are 99.9% white.


Yes we all know this and no one would be accused of being racist for saying it, but if I come on here and say a lot of gun and knife crime is commited by Black people in Sheffield, what happens ? I get accused of having racist views, work that one out ........ again I will say hypocrisy ..... that is the problem typically with many on here and in the UK generally who like to use the 'race' card to give their opinion the 'upper hand' !

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Gender also commits a highly disproportional amount of crime. It's just a race thing...isn't it?
But according the likes of you it is racist to point out which gender/s.

Thankfuly more people are coming on to the forum and speaking the truth regarding these dissproprtianate figures.

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Riots? would that be a large group of people rampaging around causing general violence and mayhem? like football hooliganism that still happens occasionally, the participents of which are 99.9% white.
Can you liken the damage caused by football hooligans over the years to the massive dissproportiante amounts of damage caused in just a few hours a few months ago by a certain section of UK society?
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But according the likes of you it is racist to point out which gender/s.

Thankfuly more people are coming on to the forum and speaking the truth regarding these dissproprtianate figures.


:huh: How can you be racist against a gender? I'm male, 98% (at a guess) of crime committed worldwide is committed by males. Are you suggesting I'm "racist" against my own gender? Do you now define gender by colour?:hihi:


Whites and Blacks equally commit crimes with fluctuations depending on the demographics. What is a consistent crime feature is not the ethnicity, but the gender. As LeMaquis quite rightly pointed out, in your case you have a propensity to turn a blind eye to the blindingly obvious.


If their coming on and speaking "your" version of truth then ok, bring it on. One post posters never tend to hang around for long anyway. Pity you can't follow suit.

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Yes we all know this and no one would be accused of being racist for saying it, but if I come on here and say a lot of gun and knife crime is commited by Black people in Sheffield, what happens ? I get accused of having racist views, work that one out ........ again I will say hypocrisy ..... that is the problem typically with many on here and in the UK generally who like to use the 'race' card to give their opinion the 'upper hand' !



But what you forgot to follow through with is..."although knife and gun crime overall is not defined by colour because White gun crime is just as prevalent". What I have noticed with racists is they use "Black people" as a blanket term as if their Blackness is the route of the problem and not their gender or social status.


If remarks are consistently aimed at a specific without any counter balance then don't come squealing when the racist tag is applied.

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Especialy when the percentage of crime is dissproportianate to the percentage of the population, but you're called a racist when you point it out when in actual fact you're a realist.


Can you think of any possible explanations for this, other than that black or brown people are inherently more predisposed to criminal behaviour?

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But what you forgot to follow through with is..."although knife and gun crime overall is not defined by colour because White gun crime is just as prevalent". What I have noticed with racists is they use "Black people" as a blanket term as if their Blackness is the route of the problem and not their gender or social status.


If remarks are consistently aimed at a specific without any counter balance then don't come squealing when the racist tag is applied.


The thing is ron I don't have to follow through with anything, it is a forum where people post opinions, the problem with opinions is not everyone agrees with them, but a good way of silencing opinion is to dismiss an opinion as being racist or silence those opinions completely, both seem to apply both on here and generally ...... now how many racists do you know ron ? Or do you simply find it appropriate to apply the term to appear to be superior on here ?

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