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Why are bus drivers so slap happy on the brakes?

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I must have been lucky as most of the buses I use have had nice drivers, pleasant but doing a stressful job, I don't drive and wouldn't want to be a bus driver even if I could the roads are so busy and some of the public they get on the bus are ignorant and often abusive,


Most drivers are fine. A lot of them perfectly fine. Few are depressed and unhappy no matter what. Personal problems like illness, divorce, depression will come to surface and I dont blame them for it and never take it personal.

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Yesterday I decided to travel into town on the bus. I had my daughter and 4 year old son with me. We were the last to get on the bus and so- as usual- it set off before we had found a seat. The driver accelerated quickly and then had to slam his brakes on for a red light at a pedestrian crossing. My initial reaction was to protect my son but this caused me to stumble into one of the hand rails, resulting in a spectacular purple bruise this morning on my right thigh! I was glad it was me and not my daughter or son.

Why do bus drivers need to drive at such a pace and then brake at the last minute?

This seems to be a recent thing in bus travel as I can remember journey's as being a leisurely experience.

As mentioned before this was the second time in a month that something like this has happened to me. Earlier this month it was a gorgeous blue and purple ensemble on my left arm.

In future I'm driving in. Parking the car is cheaper than the bus fares, and I know that I will get there safely.



hiya i remember a few years back i was travelling on, at the time new type single decker bus from town and going on woodseats the driver had to brake hard and i slid off my seat onto the floor i wasn.t hurt but later found i'd lost my wallet with small change and some cards. the following saturday morning a knock on the door this man who said he was the bus companys manager with my wallet and said this was part of his saturdays work and he said he insisted that his staff didn't think the public were passenges but customers


another thing about those buses was whoever designed them never had to ride in them , also the drivers were said when they braked hard to be wearing lead shoes.

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Why are bus drivers so slap happy on the brakes?


Have you seen the numpties who walk out into the road in front of buses?


Just spend five minutes at Waingate to see various people wandering into the path of buses - I'm surprised there aren't more accidents...

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Yesterday I decided to travel into town on the bus. I had my daughter and 4 year old son with me. We were the last to get on the bus and so- as usual- it set off before we had found a seat. The driver accelerated quickly and then had to slam his brakes on for a red light at a pedestrian crossing. My initial reaction was to protect my son but this caused me to stumble into one of the hand rails, resulting in a spectacular purple bruise this morning on my right thigh! I was glad it was me and not my daughter or son.

Why do bus drivers need to drive at such a pace and then brake at the last minute?

This seems to be a recent thing in bus travel as I can remember journey's as being a leisurely experience.

As mentioned before this was the second time in a month that something like this has happened to me. Earlier this month it was a gorgeous blue and purple ensemble on my left arm.

In future I'm driving in. Parking the car is cheaper than the bus fares, and I know that I will get there safely.


bad driving by the driver in that case. there are plenty of times passengers think it's us thats in the wrong when it was them, especially when it comes to push chairs. i was accused by a passenger of slaming my brakes on and making her pram tip over when in reality it was the gears that made the bus jerk forward when i was going slow(automatic buses have a habit of that) and it wasn't even that bad, whe seemed to not realise bags on the pram is going to make it fall over alot easier.

if i get a passenger moaning now i just let it pass, if they feel strongly about it they can make a complaint and i'll let the cctv do the talking, not worth the aggro

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Why are bus drivers so slap happy on the brakes?


Have you seen the numpties who walk out into the road in front of buses?


Just spend five minutes at Waingate to see various people wandering into the path of buses - I'm surprised there aren't more accidents...


and that, i forgot to mention that one. got 2 people doing it to me in town in the space of a minute

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We have all noticed this I am sure. Bus engines these days are much more responsive than they were in the past and I'm sure the effectiveness of the brakes varies a great deal.

I used to know a bloke who was a bus driver five years ago, and he used to say that some of the busses that he was given to drive were barely roadworthy. The brakes hardly worked and they were always breaking down. He had been involved in a couple of minor crashes where brakes had failed and was extremely annoyed about this.


None of this excuses drivers who don't have respect for the road and their passengers, however some of them get treated like dirt, some passengers are very abusive and the money isn't good..

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We have all noticed this I am sure. Bus engines these days are much more responsive than they were in the past and I'm sure the effectiveness of the brakes varies a great deal.

I used to know a bloke who was a bus driver five years ago, and he used to say that some of the busses that he was given to drive were barely roadworthy. The brakes hardly worked and they were always breaking down. He had been involved in a couple of minor crashes where brakes had failed and was extremely annoyed about this.


None of this excuses drivers who don't have respect for the road and their passengers, however some of them get treated like dirt, some passengers are very abusive and the money isn't good..


the bold is very true. we've had 11 plate deckers for nearly a year now and i struggle to stop smoothly in them. i drove a 54 plate decker the other day for the first time and the brakes were so much better, smooth stops everytime.

drivers with bad attitudes though should change jobs if they don't like it though, i don't like the pay and the passengers with attitudes etc but i rarely let it get to me, if it starts doing that then i'll look for a new job, although finding a new job these days isn't that easy

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It must be hard to adjust to a different bus or sometimes type of bus every day, over the last 25 years I have driven scores of cars and I find it sometimes takes a while to get used to the differences in the pedals.


It must be much worse with a bus and the less progressive nature of the brakes, especially as the weight will vary with the passenger load now busses are more lightweight than they used to be.

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