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Obama in trouble with Jewish lobby

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The Zionists Perle and Wurmser advocated it.


it may have escaped your attention, but both of those guys are Americans, not Israelis.


I maintain that the 'anti-Zionist' mantra, that the invasion of Iraq was 'for', or 'on behalf of' Israel, is nothing more than classic antisemitism, pushing the mythical racist line you can trace right back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that Jewish people are these unseen, shadowy manipulators influencing events.


many senior political figures in Israel itself were VERY ambivalent indeed about the invasion of Iraq. Being Middle Easterners, they understood much better than a couple of American academics sitting in Washington, that it might very well boost the power of Israel's main antagonist in the region, Iran - which is exactly what happened. Compared to Iran, Iraq was a busted flush as far as Israel was concerned, and had been since 1991.


of course there were many Israelis that did advocate an invasion, especially those that rather chilidishly sought 'revenge' for Saddam attacking Israel in 1991, but just as many Israelis were at the very least ambivalent about the whole business. A lot of Israelis could see the potential pitfalls in an invasion - and they wrote about it in the Israeli press, at the time.


when it became clear that the US was going to invade anyway, Israel, as an ally, threw its weight behind it and were supportive. They couldn't really do anything else. But that doesn't mean the invasion of Iraq by the US was enthusiastically and unequivocally

supported by the Israelis. It wasn't. There was a strong feeling in Israel that it could be opening a Pandora's Box, as far as Israel was concerned.


this is just one example of where the interest of the US, and yes, even a couple or three Jewish members of the Bush administration, and Israel are not one and the same.

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The only people I hate are almost exclusively White Male 40+ Upper and Middle Class Traitors.


I don't hate Jews per se, I am not at all keen on Zionist pressure groups that get US and UK to sacrifice their sons for and on behalf of Israel murdering 100000+ innocent civillians into the bargain.


Still on with the 1000,000 bit? You remind me of a saying of Goebbels (You do know who he was... right?)


Keep repeating a lie long enough and in the end everyone will believe it

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it may have escaped your attention, but both of those guys are Americans, not Israelis.


I maintain that the 'anti-Zionist' mantra, that the invasion of Iraq was 'for', or 'on behalf of' Israel, is nothing more than classic antisemitism, pushing the mythical racist line you can trace right back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that Jewish people are these unseen, shadowy manipulators influencing events.


many senior political figures in Israel itself were VERY ambivalent indeed about the invasion of Iraq. Being Middle Easterners, they understood much better than a couple of American academics sitting in Washington, that it might very well boost the power of Israel's main antagonist in the region, Iran - which is exactly what happened. Compared to Iran, Iraq was a busted flush as far as Israel was concerned, and had been since 1991.


of course there were many Israelis that did advocate an invasion, especially those that rather chilidishly sought 'revenge' for Saddam attacking Israel in 1991, but just as many Israelis were at the very least ambivalent about the whole business. A lot of Israelis could see the potential pitfalls in an invasion - and they wrote about it in the Israeli press, at the time.


when it became clear that the US was going to invade anyway, Israel, as an ally, threw its weight behind it and were supportive. They couldn't really do anything else. But that doesn't mean the invasion of Iraq by the US was enthusiastically and unequivocally

supported by the Israelis. It wasn't. There was a strong feeling in Israel that it could be opening a Pandora's Box, as far as Israel was concerned.


this is just one example of where the interest of the US, and yes, even a couple or three Jewish members of the Bush administration, and Israel are not one and the same.


It may have escaped your attention, though I doubt it, that both those guys, all three actually there are 2 Wurmsers, are American Jews Meyrav isn't a guy.


Meyrav Wurmser was actually born in Israel, One of them (Perle) was an Assistant Secretary of Defence for Reagan despite the fact that he received payments for representing Israeli defence companies.


David Wurmser was an adviser to US Vice President and a special assistant at the State Department.


Meyrav Wurmser was also an adviser to Cheney.


Despite the fact that they are 'Americans ?' they wrote a briefing paper for incoming Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996 A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm


So they feed on the US tax dollar while working for Israel to drag what you claim to be their own country into a war on Israel's behalf.


All 3 of them were involved with Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

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Funny how he never comes out and states what his political affiliations are.

I guess that takes ba*ls though :D


I have stated many many times on here that I am an ex BNP activist.


I have no Party affiliations anymore, I had ideological differences with the BNP.


You on the other hand despite being an ex soldier (or so you claim) are happy for your Government to sacrifice US treasure not to mention the lives of her sons on the battlefield.


You are happy that US policy that actually works counter to US interests leads to preventable tragedies like 9/11.


You could try and do something about it.


I guess that takes getting ungelded . :cool:

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Funny how he never comes out and states what his political affiliations are.

I guess that takes ba*ls though :D


Michael Scheuer: You know who he is don't you? (probably not)


Michael Scheuer : former CIA intelligence officer author of Imperial Hubris Why the West is Losing the War on Terror



No, the real question of moment is not the red-herring of Israel's right to defend itself, but rather what possible U.S. national interest is at stake that requires America to put its security at risk on Israel's behalf




...Israel, realistically, does not fall into the category of a life-and-death national interest. It is, at most, a national emotional interest, and therein is the problem. In the past 30 years, and especially during the post-Cold War Clinton regime, our definition of national interest has expanded to include a lengthy list of nice-to-have but unessential ephemera, which are at the moment costing us lives and treasure. Forcing Iraq and Afghanistan to reserve parliamentary seats for women and efforts to install democracy abroad at bayonet point are just two instances of our bipartisan governing elites' inability to differentiate national-security from national-emotional interests...
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