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Obama in trouble with Jewish lobby

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working for Israel to drag what you claim to be their own country into a war on Israel's behalf.


it's just straight from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 'The Jews are the cause of all the wars in the world'.


a great many Israelis never felt that the mooted Iraq war would be on Israel's behalf, are that it served Israel's interests at all, in 2002.


take a look at this article, from October, 2002, months before the actual invasion. Even then, people had already started realising that, as usual, the Jews were going to be blamed (again).


"US attack on Iraq: Good for the Jews?" (By Barry Rubin, The Jerusalem Post, October 7, 2002).



If you had told Israeli leaders and analysts two years ago that the US would be on the verge of attacking Iraq today, they would have been astonished and confused. The dominant perception across the political spectrum was that Iraq was not a serious threat.


After all, international sanctions had, however imperfectly, weakened the Iraqi regime's power to be a menace in the region. As evil as Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's intentions might be, his armed forces were in bad shape, he was short of money, had great trouble importing new weapons or spare parts, and did not have a single ally.


If anyone was a danger from that part of the world, Israeli politicians and intelligence experts believed, it was Iran, a country facing none of Saddam's problems.


The idea that Israel is in some way behind the Bush administration's determination to strike at Iraq has been more the product of ignorance or anti-Israel (sometimes anti-Semitic) propaganda than anything based on reality. Blaming a possible US-Iraq war on the Jews comes from the kind of thinking that blamed them for the 1991war over Kuwait or, for that matter, World War II.


by 2003 the Iraqi Army had been severely degraded in both military manpower and equipment. Continuing UN sanctions had made Iraqi re-armament difficult and Iraq was clearly not Israel's primary concern. Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens concluded in August 2002 that in the immediate future, "the [missile] threat that Israel most likely will have to contend with" is that of Syria. He described the Iraqi capability as "limited." During the same month, Israel's then chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, declared in Jerusalem that the threat posed by Iraq "doesn't make me lose sleep."


in the case of Iraq, the dominant consideration in the United States re Iraq was concern over the long-term stability of the House of Saud and the need for the U.S. to replace a shaky Saudi Arabia with an alternative friendly source of oil for the industrial West. And that has next to nothing to do with Israel, for whom Iraq was at best a secondary threat, the main existential threats coming from Syria, obviously, because Syria, unlike Iran and Iraq, shares a border with Israel. Further east, over in Mesopotamia and beyond, the primary threat to Israel came from not Iraq, but Iran - Israelis knew this in 2002, and still do.

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That's President Perry to you, come 2012.


Great news for Americans then :sad:. They wont miss social security as Perry says the whole system is a "giant Ponzi scheme" and they can all trust in Wall Street :hihi: to make money for their old age.


Just as well I dont have to rely on social security to keep a roof over my head

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Michael Scheuer: You know who he is don't you? (probably not)


Michael Scheuer : former CIA intelligence officer author of Imperial Hubris Why the West is Losing the War on Terror


You're out of date. The war on terror is being won even if slowly. Al Qaeda while still something of a threat is splintered and much of the arab world has turned it's back on that group.

I guess they've finally realized that Al Qaeda does nothing for them except sow discord and operates soley for it's own twisted and perverse ends

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That's President Perry to you, come 2012.
Are you saying that because that's what you would like to see happen? The GOP has nine candidates lined up, not one of whom would deserve my vote, except maybe Romney. But Perry is the biggest buffoon of them all.
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I'm a bit confused as to what the fascist line on anti-semitism is these days (as, obviously, are they) There has been a great trumpeting of Israel and it's military activities by many of the resident BNPers on here over the least few years, which was obviously only motivated by said BNPers hatred of Muslims.


But now the campaign against Muslims seems to be getting tired round the edges, some of them seem to be returning to their roots. I wonder who they will decide to hate next?




facism origenated in italy

inthe sixteen years of Benito Mussolini's dictatorship , there had not been any race laws; Mussolini had held the view that a small contingent of Italian Jews had lived in Italy "since the days of the Kings of Rome" (a reference to the Bené Roma) and should "remain undisturbed".[1] There were even some Jews in the National Fascist Party, such as Ettore Ovazza who in 1935 founded the Jewish Fascist paper La Nostra Bandiera.[2] The German influence on Italian policy upset the established balance in Fascist Italy and proved highly unpopular to most Italians, to the extent that Pope Pius XII sent a letter to Mussolini protesting against the new laws.[3]

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