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Obama in trouble with Jewish lobby

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If I could get more than one line of substance from you regarding your own political travels I might be tempted luckily for both of us that is most unlikely.:cool:


Never been a member of any political party or organisation.

Never voted conservative.

Loathe racism and those who preach it.



You accused me of supporting pro-Zionist governments the other day, what's that all about then?

Why did you fall out with the BNP?

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facism origenated in italy

inthe sixteen years of Benito Mussolini's dictatorship , there had not been any race laws; Mussolini had held the view that a small contingent of Italian Jews had lived in Italy "since the days of the Kings of Rome" (a reference to the Bené Roma) and should "remain undisturbed".[1] There were even some Jews in the National Fascist Party, such as Ettore Ovazza who in 1935 founded the Jewish Fascist paper La Nostra Bandiera.[2] The German influence on Italian policy upset the established balance in Fascist Italy and proved highly unpopular to most Italians, to the extent that Pope Pius XII sent a letter to Mussolini protesting against the new laws.[3]


When the Italian military invaded Abyssinia, they massacred civilians and sprayed retreating abysinian soldiers with chemical weapons from crop dusters, reulting in 20,000 deaths. No such tactics were employed in Greece.


Mussolini apparently did believe Hitler's racial policies would prove counter productive, but that was a tactical outlook and does not proove he was not a racial supremacist. A different story is told in the private diaries of Claretta Petacci, who was his lover between 1932 and 1938 http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-11-29/news/17180223_1_fascist-dictator-mussolini-s-fascist-fascism

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When the Italian military invaded Abyssinia, they massacred civilians and sprayed retreating abysinian soldiers with chemical weapons from crop dusters, reulting in 20,000 deaths. No such tactics were employed in Greece.


Mussolini apparently did believe Hitler's racial policies would prove counter productive, but that was a tactical outlook and does not proove he was not a racial supremacist. A different story is told in the private diaries of Claretta Petacci, who was his lover between 1932 and 1938 http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-11-29/news/17180223_1_fascist-dictator-mussolini-s-fascist-fascism


my point being your confusion between facism and nazism.


as for claretta petacci like the italian reveiw states ,,being an "ex "misstress they should be taken with a grain of salt..


and in the case of pope pius !X if he hated hitler and nazism so much why was'nt hitler excummunicated?

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my point being your confusion between facism and nazism.


as for claretta petacci like the italian reveiw states ,,being an "ex "misstress they should be taken with a grain of salt..

Of course they said that, you may not realise but in Italy there is actually a fair bit of admiration for Mussolini, and a stubborn refusal to take any responsibility for the million/s of people his government killed. Silvio Berlusconi even went on record saying that "Mussolini never killed anyone" :gag:


Also, she wasn't an "ex" either, she was with him until the day they were both killed, and hung upside-down side by side in Milan, she adored him, clearly.


The fact that many times in her Diary she records him casually saying that it would be a good thing to exterminate the Jews is rather damning.

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An uncle of mine fought in Italy during WW2. They came one time to an Italian village and saw 'Veni Vidi Vici" written on a wall under a poster of Mussolini.


My uncle who was about 19 asked a fellow soldier if he knew what it meant.


"It's Mussolini warning the Italians against catching VD mate" the other soldier replied.

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Are you saying that because that's what you would like to see happen? The GOP has nine candidates lined up, not one of whom would deserve my vote, except maybe Romney. But Perry is the biggest buffoon of them all.


Romney is as big a buffoon as Perry. Here we get these two clowns arguing over social security as if social security is some kind of criminal enterprise which incidentally they both think it is

"Creepin" Socialism... Reds under the bed" :hihi: You just gotta laugh


The good thing about all this is that between now and 2012 these two fools may just scare off the majority of Americans from voting for them

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Romney is as big a buffoon as Perry. Here we get these two clowns arguing over social security as if social security is some kind of criminal enterprise which incidentally they both think it is

"Creepin" Socialism... Reds under the bed" :hihi: You just gotta laugh


The good thing about all this is that between now and 2012 these two fools may just scare off the majority of Americans from voting for them

Can't we find a few hundred independents as candidates for congress, and a hundred for senate, and start fresh all over. Can't we make Alaska secede from the union, and take Texas, Mass, and Florida with them.:hihi:
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