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Tax evaders cost country more than benefits

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As a dictionary definition that would be accurate, but in the world of taxation law, they mean two very different things.


Tax avoidance means not paying any more tax than the law requires you to pay. Anyone who has ever been given a wrong tax code, and had it adjusted to a correct one, has engaged in tax avoidance. Anyone who's ever claimed back tax on savings interest because they earn too little to pay income tax, has engaged in tax avoidance.


Tax evasion means not paying tax which you are legally required to pay - falsifying your income, hiding money and not declaring it, and so on.


Regardless of all the hairsplitting/nit picking, tax avoidance/evasion/dodging etc is to be investigated by HMRC as it it costing the country more than benefits.

I'm happy about it you can go on all night but at the end of the day it is something we should all be rejoicing in as a certain element of our society has been getting away with not paying their dues for far too long.

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How inconvienient for you argument..


Why is it inconvenient? I don't find anything inconvenient with it.


You have looked up two separate words in the OD, and tried to bring them together as a non-monetary term, to add to your argument.


My dictionary term brought two words together as one, and gave you a monetary version of a term. An accurate one at that.


Where is the inconvenience?

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You have looked up two separate words in the OD, and tried to bring them together as a non-monetary term, to add to your argument.
Rubbish, the Concise Oxford Dictionary are the defintions not mine. You claimed that they meant two different things



Originally Posted by Bassman62


Concise Oxford Dictionary, Avoid = Keep away from, Escape, Evade.


Evade = Escape from, Avoid


The fact is that those thought to be doing the above regarding using methods to not pay their dues are to be investigated, Swiss banks are also going to cooperate, no doubt you will bleat about that as well.

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Regardless of all the hairsplitting/nit picking, tax avoidance/evasion/dodging etc is to be investigated by HMRC as it it costing the country more than benefits.

I'm happy about it you can go on all night but at the end of the day it is something we should all be rejoicing in as a certain element of our society has been getting away with not paying their dues for far too long.


You started this bassman! I'm not nit-picking. You are categorising people as 'the same' when they are only the same: either in your head; or what you read and believe in newspaper clippings.


My bold... are you saying that legally minimising your outgoing tax payments should be punished?, and people should be ostracised for doing it? Let me tell you, there are as many people on the other end of the financial scale doing everything they can to get everything they can... and rightly so (in their perception).


Ok, this is unlike me, but let me give you some ammunition, because your argument is lost on the basis that you don't understand anything that you have written... if I could get away with paying my PAYE 'legally', then I would.

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Rubbish, the Concise Oxford Dictionary are the defintions not mine. You claimed that they meant two different things



Originally Posted by Bassman62


Concise Oxford Dictionary, Avoid = Keep away from, Escape, Evade.


Evade = Escape from, Avoid


The fact is that those thought to be doing the above regarding using methods to not pay their dues are to be investigated, Swiss banks are also going to cooperate, no doubt you will bleat about that as well.


They are definitions of words, not terms. How can I make it simple? :rolleyes:

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Regardless of all the hairsplitting/nit picking, tax avoidance/evasion/dodging etc is to be investigated by HMRC as it it costing the country more than benefits.

I'm happy about it you can go on all night but at the end of the day it is something we should all be rejoicing in as a certain element of our society has been getting away with not paying their dues for far too long.


Not paying their dues is what's called tax evasion. The more of that gets eliminated the better.



Tax avoidance, means paying your dues and not paying anything over and above them. I'm not sure why you think that this is the same as evasion, or should be. How much extra tax do you pay over and above what the Inland Revenue think you should?

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"In general terms, tax avoidance can be said to be activity that a person or business may undertake to reduce their tax in a way that runs counter to the spirit and purpose of the law."


HMRC Avoidance Group


A completely different fish to tax evasion, which is actually breaking the law.


All this reinvested money for Enforcement and Compliance was announced last year in the comprehensive spending review and new posts begun to be advertised last month.


This after years of being told to "do more with less". Hopefully it will mean more frontline staff actively pursuing miscreants rather than a load of whiteboard monitors and non-jobs that we have been lumbered with recently.

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people on PAYE who represent the lower to mid scale earners in general have a greater percentage of their income go to the Tax Man than those who pay their taxes after claiming expenses and calculating the figure themselves. The Tax Man knows there are more than legal loopholes being used because some people with huge assets and expensive lifestyles are paying much less Tax than others earning a tiny percent of their of their income and some of the government plan to stop this white collar crime that has become acceptable because of the lack of chance of being caught. If anyone thinks there are no crimes being committed and its just rich people finding loop holes will only have to wait and see what gets uncovered by there new inspectors ....time will tell

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