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What do i need? pub related

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Good Luck.

I know if you look up some of the sites of the chain pubs, they are alwasys looking for new Landlords/landladies. Like Marstons. They will often train you up as well.

If I wasn't on my BB, I'd provide a link for you.


RE: your thread on Availablility- do you realise that you will more than likely have to work over 16 hours and most weekends too?

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Good Luck.

I know if you look up some of the sites of the chain pubs, they are alwasys looking for new Landlords/landladies. Like Marstons. They will often train you up as well.

If I wasn't on my BB, I'd provide a link for you.


RE: your thread on Availablility- do you realise that you will more than likely have to work over 16 hours and most weekends too?


thank you for that reply.

re: availability- i do work more than double the hours already.

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Running a pub is a way of life. It consumes everything you do, it ruins relationships and is VERY hard work to run a successful place.


I spent 15 years in the trade and was working on average 70 - 100 hrs per week.


Go get your personal license, the course is easy to do and then have a go behind a bar. Do not just jump in as a landlady as you will fail if it isnt what you want.


Be prepared to be working , when everyone is out, abuse from punters when you refuse them a drink etc etc etc...


On the flip side the job can be very rewarding. I used to get the biggest buzz from providing a safe, quality environment and people thanking you for a good night out. I wouldn't have changed it for anything! I had good staff, good door team and a decent bosses but unfortunately the final straw for me was one to many idiots that thought it was their god given right to come into my bar... I quit shortly after and moved to Oz! :hihi:


You have to be diplomatic, confident yet not arrogant, efficient, accurate, everyones friend yet be in charge and stand your ground when needed, committed, devoted and finally, you have to enjoy it!

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Unless you're very special and have a lot of cash to spare to buy a freehold, I don't think there's a lot of reward in it. Otherwise, it seems there's little incentive to do a good job, as if you improve the place, the pubco's put the rent up, so it's a no-win situation, I've heard. Also, if you divide up the week to an hourly rate, it's probably not that very much, if you're working as a manager.


As others have said, it would be a good idea to get some experience behind a bar first.

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