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Brick Wars At Parkwood Springs!

old tup

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As a young schoolboy Tup in the 50s although I came from Owlerton all my schoolpals lived at Parkwood Springs so I used to spend a lot of time up there generally messing about as young uns do.We spent a lot of time playing footy on the rec,a large flat area devoid of any grass whatsoever,hard and stoney with the result that if you were tackled or slipped you ended up with some impressive cuts and grazes.Every so often the word would get round that we were about to be attacked by [The Wooders] and we prepared by collecting lots of stones and bricks and waited to ambush them on the woodside.Whoever was in charge of us wasn,t very smart as we were always hidden on the bottom of the wood putting us at a disadvantage from the start,when we tried to jump them we came under a hail of stones,most times it turned into a rout with us running for our lives,but once in a while when we outnumbered them we chased em back from whence they came and victory was ours,until the next time!!.:help::hihi::D

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