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Should I be jailed for breaking the law?

Should I be jailed for smoking a spliff?  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be jailed for smoking a spliff?

    • You should be executed!
    • Yes, you should be jailed for 5 years.
    • Yes, you should be jailed for 1 year.
    • Yes, you should be jailed for 1 month.
    • Yes, you should be jailed for 1 week.
    • Yes, you should be jailed for 1 day.
    • No, cannabis should be legal.
    • Don't know.

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A predicatable thread.


Imagine, drug users saying governments are wrong and harmful drugs should be legal. Quelle surprise.


There's plenty of people on this thread not just saying that govt drug laws are wrong, but backing it up with solid arguments and evidence.


Just stating opinions is fairly pointless, unless it's backed up with reasoning.

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I am currently smoking cannabis in a spliff.


I paid for the cannabis with money I earned (and paid income tax and NI on).


I had to buy it illegally, as there was no legal source for me to purchase it from.


I'd really like to buy it from a legal source, or perhaps even grow my own for personal use if I could acquire a license.


By smoking this spliff I could be jailed for 5 years. I'd lose my job and it would cost the taxpayer £250 000 +.


Should I be jailed for 5 years for having a spliff?


No you shouldn't, it should be made 100% legal. Cannabis is harmless and the only people you are harming are only getting harmed because cannabis is illegal.


The government need to wake up and smell the brown stuff!! When will they realise that the ONLY way the war on drugs will stop is by admitting defeat. So many lives will be saved and BILLIONS of pounds will be saved...and that is a FACT! a fact you can't argue with!


By the way, those that voted that you should be executed need locking up themselves! Ignorant fools, the lot of you!!

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Short story about the effects of smoking pot , an old school friend of mine worked as a male nurse at middlewood hospital in the late sixties, he decided to dropout and go to norway on the hippie trail picking up casual jobs to survive.He wrote for a short while and then we lost touch untill the eighties when i read in the star he had jumped off a tower block.It turned out that the pot had turned him schizphrenic and he had spent many years in the same hospital he used to work in.An otherwise clever lads life cut short due to his pot habit.He would have been in his early sixties now with a family and grandchildren what a waste.


I only read the first line of this load of crap. I didn't need to read the rest!!


Short story about the effects of doing ANYTHING you like to excess. Eating, drinking, sex, driving too fast, exercise, ect. It's ALL bad for you in excess.


There is a BIG difference between using and abusing, think about it!

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As a non user, what are the benefits of canabis, what does it do for you?


If you are curious, try it, make your mind up from experience. Which would be a novel thing judging by most of the astonishingly ignorant, misplaced comments on this thread!

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