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Greek style Austerity - would you like it imposing on you?

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We hear it everywhere...Greeks this, Greeks that, lazy greeks, they brought it on themselves, the Greeks deserve to be punished....etc....


But hang on, the people who will be paying the price will be the rank and file Greeks who just happen to be trying to get on with their lives. As far as I can see, the people who caused this mess (the political class) seem to be getting away scott free.


Apart from the odd sad face on the TV from their leaders, I don't believe they will suffer too much.


Apparently, if people do keep a job, they are likely to take a pay cut of 30% and pay extra in tax. So just imagine, if you earned £20,000 per annum and you had to take a 30% cut, that would bring you down to £14,000 per annum and of that 14,000k, you would pay more tax...........in effect the pay cut on your after tax income would probably be closer to 50-60%


So how would that benefit the greek economy? if people have no spare cash, then how can they spend money? this would then bring down other businesses as people won't buy things, so put more people out of work.


How far away from a greek style crisis are we here in the UK, and how would you like a 30% pay cut + an increase in tax ?????? (and don't forget interest rate on your mortgage are likely to go up in a couple of years? ;) )

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Our repayment size is getting smaller because we are tightening our belts instead of spending more.



Greece is making things worse for themselves in the real world because they keep on striking and worsening the economy even further.


If they were to get out of the EU monetary thing, they could deflate their currency and in their own economic bubble everything would be virtually hunky dory!

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It's nothing to do with "they keep on striking" that's just ordinary folk trying to make a decent living. It has everything to do with the rampent corruption in local and national government/banking. They are the responsible parties.

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It's nothing to do with "they keep on striking" that's just ordinary folk trying to make a decent living. It has everything to do with the rampent corruption in local and national government/banking. They are the responsible parties.


Is striking going to solve their problems?

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the problem with greece is no one pays any taxes ,so putting taxes up is pointless . they need a proper tax collection system that is enforceable ,they also need to reduce a bloated civil service that relies on patronage . for eighteen months the greeks have had their head in the sand they have made all the right noises but haven't actually done much

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