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Motorists, check your wing mirrors before opening your doors.


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Fair enough, however I would also encourage all road users to not only use their mirrors, but also do rear observations:- to make sure you cover your blind spots.


I'd also suggest not filtering too fast down cycle lanes. If you need to filter, filter down the outside of the vehicle. It gives you more space to avoid hazards, and drivers (usually) are a little more cautious about opening their doors than passengers.


I have decided that when I am able to cycle again ( a month or 2 yet) I wont be using the cycle lane, I will cycle in the middle of the carriageway, this will ensure I am seen and no unexpected manouvers happen to my right.

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It never ceases to amaze how some people invent their own Law and Highway Code to justify their own poor motoring standards.


It never ceases to amaze how some cyclists invent their own Law and Highway Code to justify, riding through RED LIGHTS at Traffic lights & Pelican Crossings, riding on pavements when no cycling lane is present, failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing, riding the wrong way on a one-way street.

But lets face it reading many of the posts on Sheffield Forum regarding traffic violations, theres allways some people that come on here and say they never break the laws relating to the highway code. No one is 100% perfect no-matter what they think. Wishfull thinking for many.

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It never ceases to amaze how some cyclists invent their own Law and Highway Code to justify, riding through RED LIGHTS at Traffic lights & Pelican Crossings, riding on pavements when no cycling lane is present, failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing, riding the wrong way on a one-way street.

But lets face it reading many of the posts on Sheffield Forum regarding traffic violations, theres allways some people that come on here and say they never break the laws relating to the highway code. No one is 100% perfect no-matter what they think. Wishfull thinking for many.


This thread isn't about that, I started this thread to 'hopefully' show people how a 2 second check of their mirrors can save injuries to 3rd parties.

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Would it make it more cut and dry if I said I dont wear lycra and I also drive a car??


You sound like someone who would be fine with running over and killing a cyclist aslong as you could say 'well it was their own fault' remember people make mistakes on the road, but in 1.5tonne vehicles your mistakes might not injure you but think of others.


The car that knocked me off my bike made a mistake, I forgive them, if anything is learned I imagine next time they will check.


Sorry, but I think you've got me wrong. I wouldn't be fine killing anyone.


As you say mistakes do happen, I'm not one of the 4 wheel good, 2 wheel bad brigade.


My real point is that any road user should always be alert to ANY possible danger and have an escape route planned.


I have to complete a defensive driving course every 2 years, giving a commentary on an assessed drive. You don't just have to think about your actions on the road, but also take into consideration the potential actions of other road users around you.


I don't think that the current driving test is stringent enough, however just remind me what the legal requirements are for taking a bicyle on the road?

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Sorry, but I think you've got me wrong. I wouldn't be fine killing anyone.


As you say mistakes do happen, I'm not one of the 4 wheel good, 2 wheel bad brigade.


My real point is that any road user should always be alert to ANY possible danger and have an escape route planned.


I have to complete a defensive driving course every 2 years, giving a commentary on an assessed drive. You don't just have to think about your actions on the road, but also take into consideration the potential actions of other road users around you.


I don't think that the current driving test is stringent enough, however just remind me what the legal requirements are for taking a bicyle on the road?


Maybe I got you wrong, but there are some people on here who I fully believe would run a cyclist over if they were in the wrong.


Believe me in the split second (seemed like ages at the time) to react I did mange to start an evasive manouver, but it was too late.


As I said the traffic was moving (15mph ish) and the driver just slammed the brakes on and the passenger made a dash (the kind you often see at junctions) I wasn't going much faster than the driver (18mph maybe), I was already along side the car when she braked, as she braked the door came open, then smash and i'm on the floor.


I did give the beer garden full of people a laugh though.

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Can you provide a link to an example where a cyclist rode into a car passenger door and the driver was held responsible in a court of law?


No but rule 239 of the highway code says

you MUST ensure you do not hit anyone when you open your door – check for cyclists or other traffic


The highway code uses MUST when it is indicating it is an offence to not do something, so there is every reason to assume the person opening the door would be held responsible in a court.

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Here's a question - if you were in a car driving alongside parked cars, and someone opened a door of one of those cars and you hit it, who would be in the wrong? Should you travel at a speed that you can stop if someone opened a door almost alongside you - i.e. inching along?

I know you should pass parked cars with at least a door length gap, but on the residential streets round here that just isn't going to happen!


It's a similar kind of thing, isn't it? The point being as the OP is still manfully trying to make clear, that you should always check your mirrors!


Incidentally a similar thing happened to my housemate once - he was a pedestrian and someone in a parked car opened a door into him - I think it was just as he passed as he said she kept pushing the door open even after she'd hit him (so he must have been going back to front along the car). No apology, or even acknowledgement that she'd hit him with the door, despite it knocking him onto the pavement! He doesn't walk with his hands in his pockets any more though :)

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IF I was travelling too fast to take effective action, then yes I would consider it to be my fault.


However I always make sure that I have an escape route planned, and that I was watching ahead for signs that someone might be about to pull into my lane.


I would think that a cyclist approaching a stationary vehicle should be doing the same things.


I'm not saying the motorist (or in this case the passenger) is without blame in the OP; however it isn't as cut and dried as some of the lycra lobby would have you believe.


Thats all well and good if the car looked like it was going to turn or the driver looked over his shoulder but using the 'opening the door' analogy, if the driver turned into your lane with no warning when you were level with him/her you would have no chance of avoiding the collision.


And I'm a car driver as well as a cyclist. I used to cycle into work everyday but now commute 120 miles a day so I can see both sides.


I used to give bad cyclists as much verbal as I did bad drivers when I cycled.

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No but rule 239 of the highway code says



The highway code uses MUST when it is indicating it is an offence to not do something, so there is every reason to assume the person opening the door would be held responsible in a court.


Show me where rule 239 is on the staute books.



PS never assume....



It just makes an ass out of u and me :D

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This thread isn't about that, I started this thread to 'hopefully' show people how a 2 second check of their mirrors can save injuries to 3rd parties.


Yes aware of what the thread is about and agree with you 100% no excuse for it. But I was making a reply to the following post by Tony.

(Quote)Tony:It never ceases to amaze how some people invent their own Law and Highway Code to justify their own poor motoring standards.


Just making him aware that some cyclists aswell as motorists have bad standards in relation to the highway code

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