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Britain borrows £16B last


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So the economy can only function with deficit spending and stimulus?


Back in the days when Britain was an economic powerhouse, there was practically no public sector and no government stimulus.


How ever did we manage? :rolleyes:


I think we did something crazy like... make things.


Oh but you say, the Far East makes things too cheaply.


Tell that to the Germans.


Germany this year will be the second largest exporter


So it can be done.


You see, in the 50s/60s/70s, while the British worker was on strike/on tea break/turning out shoddy products, the Germans were doing things properly.


Stimulus won't work and just repeating it over and over again just demonstrates Einstein's definition of insanity.


Austerity won't work either. The pseudo-cuts we've had under the coalition have seen record monthly deficits in April and August this year.


Cuts? What cuts? We're borrowing more money than ever.


The only option is a default. But that will be resisted to the end, so basically we're fooked.


So if the debt is all paid off, what are we going to do with all the extra loot?

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We'd never have to, since debt repayment and interest would no longer be part of the budget.


The reason I ask is that we're told we have to make cuts, which were manageable anyway, but nobody has said what's going to happen when we're in the red. The must be scared of putting their ass on the line.

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Britain borrowed 16b in august! and yet nick clegg is giving £335m away, and thats on top of the £12b the goverment as put in the aide pot. I wander where he's pulled that from? The news is on right now and mr clegg says the HR is here to stay. so that means we cant deport the murderers,rapists,thieves etc. a nigerian who raped a 13year old has gone through the HR etc. and appealed to Stasburg who say he cant be deported overruling our courts.


So you saw the news and decided to try and re-write it in the style of someone who didn't understand it?

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