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A grave miscarriage of justice..

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I've never heard of him , or most of the other hundreds/thousands put to death by uncle sam, the ayatollahs, china, pakistan etc etc, but every one of them was a disgusting outrage.


troy davis was world news because the evidence against him was paper thin in the first place and based on witnesses who later withdrew their testimony. that would demand a retrial by any standard but davis didn't get one - he got strapped to a table and put down like a dog.


surely you accept that even the smallest shadow of doubt should stop an execution?

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Why would you be amazed? It had very little media coverage.
It's had rather a lot, as did the original awful murder.


I would expect somebody who is so opposed to 'judicial killing' to have followed it closely.

Then again, that case is one of a white on black killing and justice dealing with a white murderer, so it doesn't offer some people their chance to stand on a soap box and claim black people are unjustly penalised for their crimes. :rolleyes:

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It's had rather a lot, as did the original awful murder.


I would expect somebody who is so opposed to 'judicial killing' to have followed it closely.

Then again, that case is one of a white on black killing and justice dealing with a white murderer, so it doesn't offer some people their chance to stand on a soap box and claim black people are unjustly penalised for their crimes. :rolleyes:


you're playing the 'race card'

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...has surely occurred wth the killing by lethal injection of Troy Davis in Jackson, Georgia.

Davis was convicted of murder of a police officer Mark McPhail, in 1991 despite no forensic evidence linking him to the shooting and the fact that the gun used in the murder was never recovered.

Seven out of the nine witnesses who testified against Davis have since recanted their testimony and one of them states that another man present at the scene of the shooting Sylvester Cole had fired the fatal shots. Another witness testified under oath that Cole had confessed to the killing on three occasions and that Davis was the fall guy.


Shortly before his death Davis adressed members of MacPhail family in the death chamber and said "I was not responsible for what happened that night. I did not have a gun. I was not the one who took the life of your father, son, brother."

He then adressed his killers saying ''For those about to take my life, God have mercy on your souls. And may God bless your souls''


I believe Davis was probably innocent and have always been against capital punishment. Even if you, the person reading this, believe in it, surely this case must shake your belief that it's the right thing to do.

Sick is the word i would use.

Taking anothers life in this way and calling it justice makes me ashamed to be human.

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I see Obama didn't intervene. Along with his decision to veto Palestine's attempt at the UN to have its statehood recognised is he seeking the Republican nomination for next year's presidential elections?


I hope your wrong. Id hate to think a man with his sort of power is selfish and downright evil enough to let some man die just to improve his election chances.

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