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A grave miscarriage of justice..

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There are billions of people on the planet. Plenty to go round if we lose a few here and there.

Suggesting that you couldn't care less if innocent people are murdered isn't a very positive statement of your own humanity or worth.

Nice - so you actually hope that somebody close to me will die :rolleyes:

I guess the post was a bit unfair, there's no reason to assume that those close to you think like you.

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Suggesting that you couldn't care less if innocent people are murdered isn't a very positive statement of your own humanity or worth.


I guess the post was a bit unfair, there's no reason to assume that those close to you think like you.

Why do you have to jump into a thread and just get personal with another poster - do you have nothing to add to the subject, or do you just enjoy making barbed comments to other people?


(I won't bother responding to your pathetic accusations of me trolling - it's something you seem very good at).

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Therewas no doubt as to guilt in that case.






It would be difficult to 'let off' this alleged killer as he had already served a twenty year sentence.




Trolling. :roll:


More trolling. :rolleyes:


Getting to the point.




If it doesn't happen in Sheffield I guess it's off little consequence. :rolleyes: Moreso, given that in the UK there is no danger of a person being executed for a crime they didn't commit.



He could always have been released, since he had served twenty years already.



A fairly significant factor for most of the population, I should think!



Strange that you should ask the opinion of a forummer when you go on to suggest that scarcely anyone has any reason to hold one! I assume you'll stick to your beliefs and, from now on, not express any views on anything that happens that is not witnessed by your own eyes. :rolleyes:



Set him free.



That's cool then, so if he didn't murder anyone and the Texans' murdered him in error at least we can be concentrate on the fact that he was a nasty man and not some tedious gross miscarriage of justice.



It goes without saying that most people will sympathise with victims of violent crime. I see little point in attempting to divert attention from the issue: the executioon of a man who may well have been innocent and it's wider implications:




Well, if you know that statistics show that the death penalty has not been a successful deterrent then it's removal would not be a hindrance either. It would ensure that innocent people are not executed by the judicial system.



Yourself, the Pope, Amnesty International, ethnic activist groups. anti-death penalty activists and You-Tube gazers need to contact Barack Obama and tell him in no uncertain terms that you all know far better than the juries on both Troy Davis' trials, the prosecutors, the Georgia State Courts and the nine justices sitting on the US Supreme Court That they got it all wrong and screwed up big time



Why have a judicial system when there are so many experts already out there ?

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So that we (ie you, the Americans and us, the Brits) can go around invading countries willy nilly. :D


Or that terrorists can kill a few thousand people in New York and instead of lying down and doing nothing we have trained personnel who can go after these people which means of course having to pursue them into foreign countries as I'm sure that if a polite notice was handed to the governments of these countries requesting their extradition the answer would be a four letter word in Arabic

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Why do you have to <snip>

(I won't bother <snip>

I give you about a month then you'll be back with another i.d. :hihi:


Must be nice to be the only one in step.

I stand by my point. You wouldn't want to participate if you really believed what you stated. :) (PS: no one did get banned. Strange that.)


Yourself, the Pope, Amnesty International, ethnic activist groups. anti-death penalty activists and You-Tube gazers need to contact Barack Obama and tell him in no uncertain terms that you all know far better than the juries on both Troy Davis' trials, the prosecutors, the Georgia State Courts and the nine justices sitting on the US Supreme Court That they got it all wrong and screwed up big time


Why have a judicial system when there are so many experts already out there ?

There's not really much to respond to, you wrote something very similar already. Still misses the point.

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Yours is a silly illogical argument.

It's not an argument, and why is it silly or illogical?

Why do we train armies to kill and accept it as part of normal society ? And, mind you, with the blessinsg of religious hierarchies.:D

I suggest you take it up with the hypocritical religious heirarchies.

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