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A grave miscarriage of justice..

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Does the fact that seven of the nine witnesses for the prosecution recanted their testimony bother you? Or the lack of any forensic evidence?

Or that two witnesses state that another man fired the fatal shots?

It's ok, you can relax.


The appeal judges will have had access to that information and much more.


And, believe it or not, they're probably smarter than you ;)

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Given that in Georgia 48.4% of people on death row this morning were black males, and in Georgia they make up no more than 15% of the population - then yes it's by no means impossible to imagine that racism came into this killing somewhere.


It's more like 30%. Nice to see you're a real person by the way and not a one line wonder.

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It's ok, you can relax.


The appeal judges will have had access to that information and much more.


And, believe it or not, they're probably smarter than you ;)


it's a fair guess they're smarter than you fella - your argument seems to be that no miscarriage of justice can ever take place because the courts are impartial and smart and anyone who thinks otherwise is thick.


what's the weather like in la la land this evening?

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Does the fact that seven of the nine witnesses for the prosecution recanted their testimony bother you? Or the lack of any forensic evidence?

Or that two witnesses state that another man fired the fatal shots?


As I said in an earlier post forensic evidence doesn't have to be present at a crime scene especially in the case of a shooting. If the shooter flees with the weapon after committing the deed and there was no prior scuffle with the victim beforehand what forensic evidence (DNA for instance) would you expect to have?


The bullet casing or casings probably (if any were found) but that wouldn't tell you anything other than the calibre of the weapon used.


I cannot logically believe thet the Supreme Court would deny stay of execution if there was any real doubt of his guilt.


The system just doesn't work that way.

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I cannot logically believe thet the Supreme Court would deny stay of execution if there was any real doubt of his guilt.


The system just doesn't work that way.


The system can and does get it horribly wrong. Read about this case -




I promise you your views will change.

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An innocent black man put to death in southern USA - never!


doubt was raised in every corner of the world and the supreme court refused to hear the case (read up before you spout off) sending it back to the georgia state to decide on a retrial - they decided agin - the rope was swinging and troy was a dead man walking - public opinion in georgia wouldn't allow an acquittal at retrial and troy died a defiant, dignified man at the hands of butchers.

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it's a fair guess they're smarter than you fella - your argument seems to be that no miscarriage of justice can ever take place because the courts are impartial and smart and anyone who thinks otherwise is thick.


what's the weather like in la la land this evening?

I would hope they are smart, most of the barristers and judges I've met have been prodigiously smart.


I for one haven't said that no miscarriages of justice can take place, but I am satisfied that the system is about as good as it can get, and that guilty people being released is a far, far greater problem than innocent people being convicted. A hundred thousand fold.

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For those who want to play the race card a white man was also executed yesterday in Texas for the murder of a black man.


The judicial system works pretty evenly these days when it comes to race.

Funny thing that - the people comdemning the subject execution of this thread seem quite unconcerned when a white man is executed. Makes me feel ashamed.
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