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Should children be allowed to take part in cage fights ?

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Young kids do this sort of thing in gyms all over the world, from what i've seen it was a mix of BJJ and wrestling. I think the setting is what upset most people, i bet lots of parents encourage their children to take up boxing, karate etc

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The (rather short) article I read on this made it quite clear that what was going on was little more than a bit of wrestling. Striking and submissions weren't allowed. In which case this isn't what most people would think of as "cage fighting" which is a term used deliberately by the media to stir up reaction.


If the above is correct then I don't see a problem myself with the actual act.


Not so happy about suggestions of parents encouraging kids to hurt each other and forcing kids to carry on when upset. Parents should be supporting and encouraging kids, but encouraging them to deliberately hurt one another ain't good and no doubt in some cases Social Services would be interested.

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Two of my grandaughters aged 7 and 9 have been doing karate for about a year now and next month their 5 year old sister is going to join. This is teaching the a disipline and respect and also a way of defending themselves which in this day and age is sadly needed.


When they are at home the have their little tiffs as all children do and a few nips, and hits are exchanged before the culprit is sent to their room. Sometimes they all have a play fight with their daddy, who bless him comes out the worse for wear when they have finished. But never is all this play and family tiffs do they use karate moves or techniques.


I can remember myself, my brother and cousins all used to play fight, we also played cowboys and indians and had toy guns, bows and arrows, catapults and pea shooters and yet funnily enough not one of us has ever gone out and assaulted or shot or hurt another person in any way. We have all become responsible adults with families of our own.

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My eldest little boy started Thai Boxing at 5 and enjoys it, this wasn't something that was knew to him his dad has been Thai Boxing since he was a young lad.

I like the disapline and respect the sport brings to them and people involved in it.

I have been to many fights where there have been juniors on the bill, and I have never felt that it was wrong or that the kids involved wasn't happy or safe fighting.

However here is where I may come across as a hypocrit, the fight what that has been on the news just sits wrong with me. To me MMA/cage fighting is more like a street brawl than a fight, like I say I have nothing against kids doing contact sport, infact I'm for it but maybe this is abit to far.

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I cannot believe that there is such a thing as children cage fighting. It is too much.


A proper sport to instill body awareness and health is fine, but a sport where it is socially associated it with blood and gore. No... What if this desensitize the children beyond their emotional capacity ?

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The reporting in that video is what I was getting at in my last post... "cage fighting" "mma" "mixed martial arts" all terms used to make something sound dangerous/vicious whereas what the kids were doing didn't look anything other than lively wrestling... even in the video the reported mentioned in passing that no striking was permitted.


Shame to see a BBC reporter creating such a sensationalist story.

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