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People vanishing from cruise ships. Where are they all going?

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165 people have simply vanished from cruise ships since 1995. There have been 13 people so far this year alone.


The obvious answer would be that they have fallen overboard but i find it a bit strange that no one witnesses these people falling overboard :suspect:


Does anyone have any other information or theory as to what is happening to people?

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The obvious answer would be that they have fallen overboard but i find it a bit strange that no one witnesses these people falling overboard :suspect:


What you have to bear in mind, though, is that cases where people have vanished from cruise ships and were witnessed falling overboard, aren't included in the statistics in the first place because we know what happened to them. Indeed, in most cases, they didn't even vanish because, having been seen to fall overboard, they were rescued.


If we had figures for the total number of people who fall overboard, you'd probably find that the number who vanish completely is a small fraction of that. So small, in fact, that it would be perfectly reasonable to consider the "vanished" cases as the fraction of persons falling overboard, who are not seen.

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What you have to bear in mind, though, is that cases where people have vanished from cruise ships and were witnessed falling overboard, aren't included in the statistics in the first place


Unless the poor unfortunates were witnessed 'falling' overboard, and the witnesses chose to keep mum.

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People vanishing from cruise ships. Where are they all going?

Ships are old hat. Now people are obviously going off aboard cruise missiles.


Or maybe it's just kidnappings by Somali pirates.


Robert Maxwell did.


Have you just got in from the pub or do you normally post random gibberish? :huh:

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we suspect that a handful may have been murdered, the rest were accidents or suicides.


From 1995 to the present, several billion passengers have taken a trip or two on ships. the figure of 195 is not nice for those that have lost a loved one, but you have more chance of being hit by lighting 20 times and winning the lottery jackpot 200 times when compared to gone missing from a ship, fact.

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