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First it was Car Road Tax, Now TV Licence By Size

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We do not need to tell you that every gov is a greedy little so and so, and ready to make itself look big, fill their pockets, dish out benefits to the workshy, give handouts to terrorist states/etc/etc. it's easy to give and take money when its not yours but belongs to the hard pressed tax payers, fact!!


Just heard on the radio that a newspaper to publish a leaked document that show the gov is ready to further stuff the hard pressed tax payers based on lies, ie to save the planet from gerrn house gases.


You ready for the new tax scam??


Here it goes.


The gov will tax tv's by the size of your screen, ie a nil contribution for those that a blind or partially sighted or deaf. Then it will be on a rising scale from about 90 quid for the year and up too a max of 250 quid for tv's over 50 incehs. however, the grouping is to be finalised. The facts are most ordinary people this year are buying 50 inch plus flat screesn for their living room. We have several 50 inch tv's and a 55" tv for the living room and we are not rich.


We can understand how and why people took to the streets as they are ticked off for paying gov mistakes.


btw, they also raised the question that has been discussed for years, ie licence for a radio in your car, but this is just chat.


So, be warned, if you worked hard, can't really afford to go out, save a few quid and treat yourself to a nice, large screen tv, you will be hit by the gov yet again


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A 50-inch TV screen?


I find our 32-inch screen to be too large, and have to sit well away from it. I prefer to watch DVDs on the laptop.




It all depends on the size of your room and even more importantly, what you and your family like.


The basic point is, many even now feel the tv licence should be scapped but this greed, lying gov is going to up the stakes just because one has worked hard, spent wisely, possibly can't afford to go out and decideds to enjot self on a nice sized scran, and they will be hit by a massicve tax that will increase every year.


We beleive the tv licence people will be hard pushed to chae up people that have bought used tv's as people can give wrong details. So enforcement may be a prob unless you buy new or recently bought a tv.

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