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When I was a smoker


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I started at 14 years old in 1963, used to buy 5 Park Drive for tenpence halfpenny. Smoked almost everthing, tipped, plain, roll ups. Stopping was easy, medics told me CT scan result, LUNG CANCER.

Stop while you can, its easier than you think.


Good advice Nimrod. And there's no excuse for anyone under 30 even starting!

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Started smoking back in the Fifties, I'd joined the Army cadets and being in a uniform thought I'd look the part..:hihi:

For years I didn't go anywhere with out me fags and all my mates where the same every body smoked.

So Ten Park Drive and a box of Capt Webs was a constant companion in my youth,unless we were on Holiday then it was best fags, usually Capstan or Players, and that's how it stayed for many years ,till tipped fags took over ..


So which cigarette did you start smoking with ?


it was woodbines in the little paper packet of 5 cigs


hiya grinder i stopped smoking on the 30th april 1976, i remember this date as its the wifes birthday, anyway after a while i'd have different ones asking me how i stopped smoking and instead of saying its will power i would say this,

i woke up and decided to stop smoking and after breakfast i was gagging for a cig so i waited a bit then decided to have an early lunch, after a while i wanted a cig so decided to have an early tea after tea i wanted a cig so i had an early supper, and as i wasn't tired when i looked at the clock it was only just turned 12 noon. a shopkeeper round where i lived in the 50s would sell odd cigs, i remember going in for 10 cigs and finished with a right mixture there were woodbines, park drive, turf, players wieghts, this was before the outer wrapping on packets.

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How times have changed from the comercialisation point,once the TV were telling us how good the cigarettes were promoting them as being seen as sexy and relaxing,also most sports were advertising them and the same applied to pipe tobacco one type [st Bruno] where a fishing boat was shown on a lake with an angler and his dog in a tranquill setting,the cigar was no exeption having a chap puffing away while a soft relaxing tune was playing,now the industry has most of the older generation well and truly hooked the Government in their wisdom have pounded us saying how damaging they are to our health and those around us,they have imposed laws to stop us smoking in public places such as whats left of our local public houses,years ago many pubs had different rooms one being a smoke room where smokers were segregated from other pub users limiting any damage they may incur,now like we the smokers are treated like we have the plague banishing us from most buildings where contamination may occur.We are now paying the price of advertising over many years as we were slowly indoctrinated to this awfull deadly chemical which can kill us as it's been proved it does,now going to the bottom of my garden away from the public to have a smoke,cough and splutter..........

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