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The Speed of light

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if the nutrino detector is moved back half-way along the tube and the experiment

repeated, if the error is 30 nanoseconds then it supports the theory that the

nutrinos are travelling faster than light speed, but if the error is still

60 nanoseconds then there's an error in calculating the nutrino speed.


Bet they can't move the detector.

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It might be a scam to get more grant money


The pipe they fire the paticles down my not be as long as first thought.


Since the pipe is circular maybe the particles are hugging the inner serface

thereby covering a shorter distance. Did you know that high frequency electric

currents travel close to the surface of a conductor and not the through the centre

its known as the 'Skin Effect'.


bet you have some fancy hi-fi cables

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Presumably an area in between an area between Mt Sasso and Mont blanc is higher above sea level than it was thought.


The neutrinos have not been sent across the surface; they go in a straight line directly through the Earth's solid body. Possibly the distance of that straight line has been overestimated by a small fraction of an inch; I would have thought that's one of the first things they would check, though.


It is possible that something unforeseen inside the Earth is causing the effect, but what we know of neutrinos so far - which has never been all that much - is that they move through matter just the same as they move through vacuum, without even slowing down. It's certainly hard to think of anything that might exist inside the Earth's crust which would cause them to speed up, but I'm sure that better minds than ours will be thinking about it.

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Presumably an area in between an area between Mt Sasso and Mont blanc is higher above sea level than it was thought.


The distance between the facilities is no longer the same.


Tectonic movement?


Movement below the plates...


as Heading North says, Neutrinos travel in straight lines through the Earth (and almost everything else too), they are largely unstoppable. This makes detecting them at all a very difficult proposition requiring massive detectors and lots of calculations.


Probabilistically speaking it is more likely that somewhere in the calculations is something that would give rise to the incredibly stable and accurate error that seems to show them exceeding the speed of light.


If they are just winking into another dimension and taking a short cut, that would be OK from Einstein's perspective, I understand.

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The Gravity of the Earth varies at different positions, the tectonic plates move, and the core is a rolling lump of Fe.


I don't think it that surprising that the two places could be could be closer together due to underground movement, thus meaning the particles have a shorter straight line to follow.


To me that seems to be the simplest explanation. It'll be interesting to see if they can find an error in the calculation though. :)

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The Gravity of the Earth varies at different positions, the tectonic plates move, and the core is a rolling lump of Fe.


I don't think it that surprising that the two places could be could be closer together due to underground movement, thus meaning the particles have a shorter straight line to follow.


To me that seems to be the simplest explanation. It'll be interesting to see if they can find an error in the calculation though. :)


I think you're right that it would the simplest explanation; but, being such a simple one, I would have thought they'd have checked it before now.

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I think you're right that it would the simplest explanation; but, being such a simple one, I would have thought they'd have checked it before now.


How embarrassed will they be if that is the case! :hihi:


I'm currently reading about Tesla's theroies, as he claimed to have measured particles travelling faster than the speed of light.

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Simple equation that was sompleted by us when were 6 years old and great fans of Star Trek.


Speed of light + anything = Travelling back into time, fact


possibly, but being that the only particles which seem to have achieved this are neutrinos then for a star ship and its crew to travel back through time they would need to be converted into neutrinos and back again.


i suspect that such a process would not be a pleasant experience, with a very distinct chance that at the end all you would be is a puddle of chemicals

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