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The Speed of light

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Simple equation that was sompleted by us when were 6 years old and great fans of Star Trek.


Speed of light + anything = Travelling back into time, fact


That's what the equation shows, yes. But if it's possible for an object which has mass to travel faster than light, then that equation can't be true ... so nobody really knows where that would leave us on the time-travel front.


If Einstein's theory is correct - and, this bizarre result notwithstanding, no scientist is prepared to give up on it yet - then time travel is flatly impossible. if the theory is not correct, then time travel may be possible or it may not: it might be achieved by accelerating to faster than light, or it might not.

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That's what the equation shows, yes. But if it's possible for an object which has mass to travel faster than light, then that equation can't be true ... so nobody really knows where that would leave us on the time-travel front.


If Einstein's theory is correct - and, this bizarre result notwithstanding, no scientist is prepared to give up on it yet - then time travel is flatly impossible. if the theory is not correct, then time travel may be possible or it may not: it might be achieved by accelerating to faster than light, or it might not.




Simple facts. Get into a machine that ravels fater than light, you start going back into time. However, to travel into the future, this is not possible as we are the future.


We recall a so-called science teacher arguing with our facts at shcool where we were 12 years old - guess what, the whole class was behind us and left the teacher red faced

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Nobody knows that, because nobody even knows how to construct a machine that goes faster than light. (Unless, of course, you made your vast wealth by patenting one?)




Simple facts.


A plane or a bullet breaks the sound barrier, bang is the sound as it over takes itself.


Sending pics from space take time, what we see as a "live event" actually happened 15 seconds ago.


Telescopes catch light from events that took place millions of years ago as light travels towards us. so travel anyhting faster than light, just like the telescops catching pics means that you go into history.


You talking about us getting a "patent" - if one talked about talking to another person thousands of miles away from you 200 years ago, they would have said you are mad. It is only a matter of time when people travel back into time. sounds craxzyt now but it will happen.

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Simple facts.


A plane or a bullet breaks the sound barrier, bang is the sound as it over takes itself.


It does not "overtake itself." It just causes the sound waves to appear so close together they collide. In any event, the sound barrier is not a fundamental universal constant; it varies wildly depending on what substance the sound is passing through. It's almost 30,000 miles an hour through steel, for instance; bullets don't break that.


If you travelled faster than light, then you would arrive at your destination before the evidence of your departure got there; but you would not necessarily arrive before you left.

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If you travelled faster than light, then you would arrive at your destination before the evidence of your departure got there; but you would not necessarily arrive before you left.




You would start to go back into time. Telescops catch events that happened millions of years ago as they catch light at mucho faster than the speed of light.

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Logically, time travel can't ever be invented, else we would have met someone who had travelled back in time.


On your earlier point, time travel forwards is not only possible but inevitable.


Maybe people have been back in time, but were really careful not to affect the future. Like Marty McFly.

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No, that won't be the case. Einstein's Theory says that you cannot travel faster than (or even as fast as) light, and also gives an equation to calculate exactly how much time will slow down for you, and how much more massive you become, the closer you get to light. If you ignore the fact that it's impossible and do the calculation anyway, it will tell you that when you reach the speed of light, your mass will be infinitely high and time will come to a complete stop; and that if you exceed the speed of light, time will flow backwards and your mass would be represented by an imaginary number.


If it is discovered that neutrinos actually do move faster than light, then it will mean that Einstein was wrong, and so that equation won't apply; so you cannot conclude that time will move backwards for them. In fact you wouldn't be able to conclude anything, until you replaced Einstein's Theory with some other conjecture which explains the speed of the neutrinos, and all of the other measurements already done which have all said that Einstein was right.


I have heard, and read into time dilation, but was not aware that time came to a complete stop at the speed of light.


So by this, would it be true if you COULD ride a wave of light you would notice NO difference between any different distance?


So a beam of light would feel(if it could, I know)it was travelling instantly, whether it was from the light bulb on the ceiling or the furthest star?

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