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The Speed of light

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so if your driving at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on does anything happen:huh:


As I understand it, nothing as from your perspective time would have stopped and you would be unable to switch them on.

Now, if you were traveling at 99% the speed of light it would be a different matter entirely and depends entirely on where the observation of you in your super fast car is made from.

If we take two perspectives, or reference frame if you like, 1) From your reference frame and 2) from the reference frame of a stationary observer.


1) From your perspective nothing special would happen, to all intents and purposes your headlights would appear to work as normal.

2) From a stationary observer you would look at wee bit weird. For a start you and your car would look compressed (length contraction) along the direction of travel, if they could see the clock on your dashboard then it would appear to be running slower (time dilation) than theirs. Now, when you switch on your headlights they would appear to us mere stationary observers to be moving at the speed of light, however, due to the length contraction and time dilation already described they would be shifted into the ultraviolet.


Another interesting question is what would happen if there was some idiot plowing towards in his suped up Corsa also travelling at 99% the speed of light. Newtonian physics would have us thinking that this speeding chav would be hurtling towards you at a combined speed of 198% the speed of light (593589067m/s) but Newton would be wrong. At relativistic speeds you cannot simply add the speeds, you have to use a different formula known as the composition law of velocities which looks something like this...


s = (v + u)/(1+(vu/c^2)


Plugging in our speeds of 99% c we get


s = (296794533.4 + 296794533.4)/(1+(296794533.4*296794533.4)/299792458^2)

s = 299777317.731428m/s


or 99.995 % of the speed of light.



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I would imagine that travelling at these sorts of speeds, the Police would throw the book at you! It's quite plainly dangerous and irresponsible to drive at these speeds. It's also illegal to have ultraviolet headlights.:rolleyes:


no one puts a parking ticket on the milenium falkon

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