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Boasting about wealth.

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We need a poor troll to com one, and tell us how he uses the computer at the library, uses the train station toilets when picking up the free paper, and picks up dimps to save money on tobacco. A real peoples' hero!


I was brought up in a cardboard box and ate potato peelings mixed with coal dust. We couldn't afford medicine, when I was constipated my grandad used to sit me on a bucket without a handle, and read ghost stories to me. :o

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There's also one who lives overseas who boasts about having servants and a big house. He always seems so unhappy and bitter though so money can't buy you love...:)


If you could convince him oxygen was illegal, he would stop breathing :hihi:


In his dying breath he would say, "But it's the law and they are only trying to protect us, that's why it's illegal"

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If you could convince him oxygen was illegal, he would stop breathing :hihi:


In his dying breath he would say, "But it's the law and they are only trying to protect us, that's why it's illegal"



Imagine being one of his servants? I bet they take every drug under the sun to get through the day....:hihi:

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So that just leaves the Doreman.

Personally, I find his posts and threads very amusing, as I'm sure most others do.

It's patently obvious that it's all tongue in cheek stuff, designed to make people smile, when quite often the majority of threads are doom and gloom.

Good luck to MOS I say, and may his prodigious wealth increase incrementally! :D


I've never seen MOS post a nasty or malevolent comment yet, which is more than can be said for most.

I've never understood why so many are worked up by him, as far as I'm concerned MOS is mostly an online character rather than a true to life figure.

Most of us do a bit of role-play on here in one form or another.


For instance, myself and Alcoblog are NOT really arch-enemies competing for wasp domination. It's just a bit of fun.



*kicks over Alco's wasp jar on the way out*

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