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Social Services and the measures they take

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I'm sorry but IMO Mothers who smoke all the way through pregnancy should be removed from their children when they're born, I said as much to my Cousin when she smoked through both of her pregnancies.


Smoking is not good for the Mother or the Baby IMO.


Quick, call social services. I need a thorough investigation

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I think you will find, my comment is just as valid as yours, if not more so. I may have not had dealings with social services, but then that doesn't make my well balanced advice irrelevant.


Won't ask why you were there, but I suspect they had their reasons.



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they did have thier reasons, my health visitor phoned the ss for some help for me, i was a young mum, my son was born 16 week early and i struggled to feed him so he put on weight, instead he was losing weight.. why? because he suffered from reflux as his muscle that keep food down didnt form properly due to his extreme premature birth, which means he was put on nutraprem (very thick baby milk) but whatever went down came back up again violently, my baby daughter died around the same time and me and husband was struggeling, thats why the health visitor called social services FOR HELP, in a meeting my health visitor even started crying.. yes actually crying, because ss was removing my son from my care, my health visitor said she phoned for help not this and she 1 thousand% did not agree with what was happening, she retired soon after, i still see her out and about and she cant even look me in the eye, i dont blame her... i blame ss, thats why i hate ss, 3 years i fought for and im still fighting.


Don't blame the servants, blame the system.

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So hang on a sec. You're complaining that they didn't remove you but now you're complaining when they do remove children. What is it exactly that you want?


I'm sure whoever was beating you had a thousand excuses and had friends to say they were a good person and wouldn't do anything to their kids. I'm not sure exactly how you're expecting them to decide who to remove?




I have never said anything about the social services removing kids, my beef is with the ways in which they go about things.

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Would you put your job on the line for something that you might think was not necessary?


No, obviously not. If there are guidelines to follow, then they have to be followed. I've said all along I do understand what they are doing... It probably is right, although, IMO it seems a bit extreme in this case, and I really just wanted to know if, now, this is standard procedure for what they have to do in all cases. As I said, the closest I've ever come is when my parents were having a small domestic, and SS tried to 'seize' my Daughter, as she was at risk, even though she was just staying the night and didn't live with them. They didn't get very far, I told them to sod off, end of.

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Must be a horrible job, just being faced with these guidelines, and things you HAVE to do, even though you can probably see most of the time that its not necessary.


In my experience most of the time it IS necessary - and parents get support to get them back on track with parenting their children adequately.


If your friends have signed a voluntary agreement stating that Dad will not see baby, they can withdraw that at any time - but doing so may prompt the social worker to obtain a care order if they feel that baby aving contact puts the child at risk of harm.


As I said, best contact a solicitor.

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