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Social Services and the measures they take

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But you smoked through all your pregnancies although apparently you're not addicted.


Not being addicted doesn't make it okay to smoke when you're pregnant, I think it makes it worse, I can understand people who are massively addicted failing sometimes but just smoking all through 3 pregnancies just because you want to is really selfish. It might not be the smoking itself that makes a bad parents but it can cause miscarriage, cleft palates, lower intelligence, mental disorders and raises the risk of cot death, childhood cancers and stillbirth significantly.


If someone chooses to continue to do something that causes that just because they feel like it it does set alarm bells ringing that the parent might have a hard time prioritising the child's welfare over their own IMO.


I also have had the odd glass of wine, and am not an alcoholic. Yes, there were certain times of day when I would feel the 'urge' to smoke, which was when I did it, which I suppose points at a slight addiction, but they are easy to get over when its 2 or 3 times a day that it happens. Now its getting to 4.30pm, and I've sat down with a coffee, I feel the urge, and normally would give into it, but right now, I'm not. Its easy to do. My partner on the other hand, is going mental and has had to put a patch on, thats addiction I'd say. Living with smokers all my life hasn't made quitting very easy... If my partner was to spark a fag up now, I'd give in and have half.

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Ah, I thought I recognised the username. Vested/biased interests springs to mind.


No bias here, I'm not a social worker.


And to suggest that I can only hold such views if I am biased goes to show how incredibly blinkered you are.


I've posted links for the safeguarding board procedures and te MAST teams, I suggest folks check them out for FACTUAL information around safeguarding children in Seffield.

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It almost choked them because the school had noticed a bruise on my childs neck and had informed social services without contacting me to disscuss it first, as it happens i had made an appointment at school for the following week to disscuss the said bruise as i had suspisions he was being picked on.


Before i got the chance my children were woken and made to get out of bed at 10.15 pm by the social services and child protection police to explain every damn bruise they had on their body (impossible at the best of time but with two lads even more so).

They were incredibly shook up by the whole experiance and thought they were in trouble.


Social services thought i had inflicted the bruises so began an investigation, as i worked with children at the time i had to quit my job.


When the whole sorry affair came to light that my child was being bulied by a group of other kids at school and that is why he was being quiet and withdrawn the ss did not know where to put their faces.


All i got was an half arsed apology an two very confused kids.


It made my blood boil how they could get something so wrong, not only did i lose my job but whispers started circulating in the communty and my crediblity was ruined, the kids got teased at school even more and i ended up moving area as i was an outcast!


That is why i am going to shred them a new arse hole in court.


Understood. Good luck in court...

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I've posted links for the safeguarding board procedures and te MAST teams, I suggest folks check them out for FACTUAL information around safeguarding children in Seffield.


And I've posted links to the thousands of case of child abduction by the govt and their employees (SS), and links to the facts surrounding the increase in adoptions that was ordered by Heir Blair.


Unless you're trying to say that the articles I linked to are false/fiction?

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And I've posted links to the thousands of case of child abduction by the govt and their employees (SS), and links to the facts surrounding the increase in adoptions that was ordered by Heir Blair.


Unless you're trying to say that the articles I linked to are false/fiction?


Not at all, but alot of complaints will definitely be sour grapes.

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Not at all, but some of them will most definitely be sour grapes.


How can you possibly make such a statement without proof?


I speak from personal experience witnessing the SS totally destroy (to the point of lying in court) a family, who had done nothing wrong (the SS even lied about my partners children in court in order to stop the child coming to live with us during the interim).

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The fact is, nobody likes any of these official figures who have the right to come along and 'intrude' on peoples lives. Anyone employed by the government is bad in a lot of people's eyes. I'd guess that SS do get it right in a lot of cases, and do save a lot of children. Then of course there are the times when they have to come in and 'intrude' upon people, for no real reason (that the people can see) but for their own good reasons (ie allegations being made), that they have to follow up. With things being as they are, I guess these follow up investigations are a lot stricter than they once were, and can seem a bit harsh (like the case in my OP) but its all for the sake of the child I guess. I'm guessing nothing will come of it, and it will just interfere with their lives for quite a while, but its better to be safe than sorry. They know, and I know, and anyone who knows them knows that the baby was never in danger, but I guess that needs to be checked out properly, just in case.

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How can you possibly make such a statement without proof?


I speak from personal experience witnessing the SS totally destroy (to the point of lying in court) a family, who had done nothing wrong (the SS even lied about my partners children in court in order to stop the child coming to live with us during the interim).


I don't need proof, I work with these people - sometimes people will never accept responsibility for their own actions - they lash out and blame everyone else - some of those the shout the loudest are the most guilty - but they'll never admit it.

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