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Social Services and the measures they take

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Mmm! "temporary" foster care. Will be interesting to see in the long run how temporary this will be and after the "reviews" whether or not the children are actually "given" back to mum - time will only tell!


But, in my experience, this doesn't usually happen! Social Services write up their reports and seem to decide as the children have been away from mum anyway let's now get them adopted. And more so if the children concerned are toddlers.


This is from my own personal experience of how things transpired but of course you will see it from a different point of view.


And I wonder how many children have actually been asked if they want to be taken away from mum and given to strangers!


That misses the point. 3 year olds don't know what makes a good parent or a very bad parent. If you wait for a young child (or an older one who has come to see very bad parenting as normal and ok) to say when they should be removed from their biological parents then there'd be a Baby P every week. That's why adults need to make those decisions for them.

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Unfortunately I know of a current situation where a young mother wasn't happy about the conduct of a health visitor and of a health visitors 20min assessment of her son... She challenged it and was threatened with social services so she decided that would be the best course of action as the health visitor was being underhanded and simply lying to her face....


So ODDLY the social services just turned up the next day, assessed her and son, making her feeling like a bad mother and a child(shes 23) then left... A few hours later they then turned up again and took them both to the hospital!!! where her son had every bump n bruise photographed. And was questioned to the third degree with no explanation as to why or even asking her here side of things and consent ....


The heath visitor at the beginning(the 20min assessment) had a few concerns regarding his development and speech but on tell her that the school had a specialist involved she still decided and insisted that she had to make a referral and then hounded her about it... In the end she told the Health visitor she did not trust her judgement and wish for another health visitor and her partner to be present if visiting again... The HV then stated she wasn't happy and said there had been many concerns raised regarding her son but could not tell her what they are!!!!


She(the mother) asked the school and they confirmed that there ONLY concerns related to development and speech(he's 3) and nothing more...


But now the social services are involved it has gone from this to what seems to be a full on child abuse case!!!!!!! WTF!!!! It now seems to be that the health visitor has lied even more regarding things resulting in So much stress and trouble... And worst of all its the mothers word against theirs... How can that be fair!!!???


I know the mother extremely well and have done for many years and though at times she struggles she does everything she can for he son and would never harm her child no matter what. Any bumps and bruises he has are due too tearing round the at one speed FAST .... And it's now come to this.. I worry for her health in every sense of the word, And after reading many things online it seems that they can even use this against her and it's their fault...


The ironic part is I know of two families that live within 100meters of her and they have been reported many times(by the residents) to child services as they mistreat their children due to alcohol and drugs(always a heavy smell of drugs when you walk pass or always drunk) and yet they arrange appointments to go round giving them time to sort themselves out briefly so nothing is seen and gets done..


It just seems that the social services/health visitors are a law unto themselves and what ever you say is a lie but they tell the truth as they see it and as they see fit for their purposes...

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And if you believe that then you'll believe anything. Social Service DO just take children away and they don't monitor the situation. If Social Services think they can "steal" children for adoption then believe you me they will do on any pretext whatsoever!


Don't forget it is their word against yours and they are a law unto themselves. They can tell as many lies as they want and exaggerate the most trivial of cases if they think they can get children away from young parents and they are doing it all the time - legally!


I do not and would not trust social services as far as I could throw them - and that aint very far!


I am currently going through the stress caused by the social services, without going into details a HV has made allegations about the state of my house which is silly as she only saw the front room which had toys all kinda all over because that's where my son prefers to play and my sons safety in general....other than the house being a tad untidy (but nevertheless clean) due to other commitments I've had this week, ALL the other allegations such as my sons poor hygiene, that I'm neglecting him because he has a couple of bumps and bruises (he tears around like Speedy Gonzalis and doesn't concentrate while he's doing it), he fractured his leg in may falling from a radiator and burnt his hand (but not badly enough to need to go to hospital) 2months ago climbing onto the side and touching the hob when I'd nipped upstairs to go to the loo, are totally unfounded!!!! :rant:


I love my son with all my heart, I feel blessed having him in my life and I know I have never abused or neglected my son and I NEVER WOULD!!

But because of the lies told by the SS and Health Visitor I now feel I'm in great danger of having my son taken from me!!


It's truely disgusting how these people can say that putting parents and children through all this stress and fear of separation :cry: is in the best interests of the child!! :huh:

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in MY VIEW... I now look and see the child services/social services in the same light as Paedophiles.... Yes that's a very extreme view but look at it like this...


we as a society are tarnished by a small group of people and their actions(paedo's).


This group do what they do with no thought for others and don't believe they are doing anything wrong or care what damage and harm they are doing as long as they accomplish what they set out to do...


The harm and damage they cause effects every thing they touch... The child, the child's family and this is there till the end, The doubt that the child has about themselves,was it my fault? should they have done it? why did it happen? who can I trust? and the harm it cases. The Family will wonder why?why did they not see it? was it their fault?who can we trust? and the list's go on.


All this is irreparable..


After reading and seeing how social workers/health workers behave and now having seen it first hand!!!!...


Hmmmmm they go into a home, rip the family a apart, make accusations, cast doubt's and take children away all in the name of child protection and some but not all case's without real cause, justification, consultation with ALL concerned, or without any truth full or real explanation.


The parents ask themselves why?what did we do wrong?was we good parents? was it my partners fault?was it my fault? etc etc...the child if old enough may and often do wonder, was it my fault I was taken away? was I a good child?should they have done it? why did it happen? etc etc..


The relatives and friends may start to ask similar questions about the parents and distance themselves...Resulting in some case's in the effected parents lapsing into deep depression(how can that be good???), or moving away when it's over!!!!!


All this is long lasting and in most cases irreparable...


The only real difference between the two groups is social workers/health workers do what they do legally(or is it??)!!!!!


BUT Challenge them as they have a codes of practice(google it as makes for good reading) that they MUST follow. Check out the Children's Act 1998(THEY ARE LEGALLY SUPPOSED TO CONSULT WITH YOU AT EVERY STEP), Data protection act 1998,2000(they have to give you copies of ALL information and correspondence,digital,written and recordings,on request.. THAT'S THE LAW) and the Human rights act 1998(they CANNOT DICTATE WHAT YOU CAN OR CAN'T do). Most of what they do (which I have read and now have seen) goes against theses ACT's and their own C,O,P,....


If you are genuine you have nothing to hide or loose(they will or may have decided what they intend to do no matter what anyway!!!!)...... Look at it this way THEY have JUDGED you before they arrived(their C,O,P, states they are supposed to be impartial) They are just looking for more reasons regardless of the TRUTH...


check out theses sites




Get them involved(sites) and the moment SS leave(ironc really their actions mirror in some cases the ww2 ss) get legal help!!!! And contact the above sites....If you don't you may loose your child and family.....


Write down everything said, record(digital etc,most phones can do this) all conversations(inform them you are as is a legal requirement).request all info etc(has to be written request, so write it asap)


Make sure they explain EVERYTHING(reasons etc) in MINUTE DETAIL before you let them in THEY ARE SUPPOSED TOO DO THIS.They only have the right to enter your home if a CHILD PROTECTION OFFICER/POLICE are present and then only if court order has been issued..


They use the softly, softly approach(can we come in to chat,will only take two minutes, hmmmmm peado's tactic again!!!) to make you feel you should let them in and once in they will justify everything using more guilt tactics.



Just read online about their practices it's shocking... Why should it continue?????


Even the police wouldn't get away with as much as these people do!!!!!



Now I know my view is extreme but take it as it is "A VIEW"... and look at the other information, pass it on and let stop this... Lets get them to start in the middle ground and help!!! NOT dictate and destroy families that ARE innocent. If they change surely that's a good thing as at the moment their actions are in the two extremes, they either do nothing, or they over react without all the facts...AND THAT'S WRONG!!!!

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