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Social Services and the measures they take

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Social services can't win, can they? If they take no action and this turns into another Baby P case they'll get crucified in the media. But if they rescue a baby from drunken, violent parents, they get slagged off as well.


Somehow I don't think we're getting the whole story here. Social services wouldn't take this action just cos of one drunken night - there must have been previous incidents.




You would be surprised at what social services do.


I hate them with a passion and with very good reason too!

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Social Services dont take children away willy nilly,there policy is to keep them with parents and supervise and moniter the situation,if they have taken the child away and only supervised visits then theres more to this than we know,like OP post social workers are damned if they do and damned if they dont. There are social workers who work shifts to cover out of hours as its a 24 hour service


They haven't taken the child away, they have sent it to its grandparents house, with its mother. Shes not allowed to move back into her own home until its been investigated. I quite understand most of the measures tbh, but the part that says the baby is not allowed to leave the house is what really got me. And the mother having to have someone supervise her with the child at all times, her mum, dad and auntie are taking it it turns to have days off work to sit in the house with her. It all seems a bit much to me.

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Am I the only person who thinks that social services are in the right here? This doesn't seem to be a case of going out for a few drinks, having a bit too much and coming home and going to bed.


The mother by her own admission was absolutely off her face with a baby in the house to the point where she was smashing the house up and calling the police to make false allegations and this wasn't in the evening it was in the morning, not even the early hours.


She can't remember what she said but bearing in mind the bloke is now banned from seeing his child it's highly likely she accused him of being threatening towards the baby minimum.


If she came home drunk again and fell down the stairs holding the baby or put it in bed with her when she was drunk and smothered it everybody would be up in arms saying 'Why didn't you act last time she came home drunk'.


I'm sorry but in my opinion if the police come across a parent who is at that level of drunkeness with the child in the house they're right to act, why do you think that social services came out in the middle of the night? It must be because they were so drunk the police were concerned the child was in immediate danger.



They had the mother baby sitting for them so she was not drunk in charge of a child and by the sounds of it she hardly went out drinking anyway.


On the rare occasions that i drink i am hammered after half a lager so can understand why she was off her face :D

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They had the mother baby sitting for them so she was not drunk in charge of a child and by the sounds of it she hardly went out drinking anyway.


On the rare occasions that i drink i am hammered after half a lager so can understand why she was off her face :D


His mother and sister were both there, he wouldn't take the baby to their house, due to them having cats and a giddy dog, so arranged for them to stay the night in the baby's room, where they were asleep when they got home, and remained until the police came.


A few days later, social services arranged to visit the house and talk to the pair of them, on the understanding that the child must stay with its grandparents, and not be there with the mum. When they came, they apparently got very forceful, and insisted that they were hiding the baby in the house, and went snooping around. It really all does seem a bit over the top to me. Probably because I know how ridiculous it all really is, from knowing them. Of course I understand why they have to do certain things in certain cases, but for what happened that night, it all seems a bit much.

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So the parents went out got drunk so they actually didnt know what they were saying/signing he assaulted her and thats ok? what would have happened if the baby was ill?? they were both obviously incapable at the time,as for the baby supervised and not been allowed out,the supervision is because in case she takes it to her partner not sure about the baby not been allowed out inder supervision.

I dont condone any one having a drink and going out but to come home in such a state and assaulting ect isnt really the act of a responsible parent is it

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So the parents went out got drunk so they actually didnt know what they were saying/signing he assaulted her and thats ok? what would have happened if the baby was ill?? they were both obviously incapable at the time,as for the baby supervised and not been allowed out,the supervision is because in case she takes it to her partner not sure about the baby not been allowed out inder supervision.

I dont condone any one having a drink and going out but to come home in such a state and assaulting ect isnt really the act of a responsible parent is it


But nobody got assaulted. They had an argument, she smashed a few plates, told him to get out, and he went. They'd been in bed for half an hour and got up to go for a fag on the balcony, and started arguing about something stupid. The way she tells it, she didn't say any of the things (or at least can't remember saying them) that are in the statement, which is why the charges got dropped straight away, as there was no evidence of any assault taking place at all. There were no cuts, bruises or any other damage to anyones body. Should the police have taken an official statement from her when she was that drunk anyway?

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