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Social Services and the measures they take

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Indeed it does.


I have had the misfortune of their involvement and know first hand the damage they can do. :(


me too, sad to say, i learnt the hard way and what they did to my family can never be put right, they destroy lives, not just the parents but the childrens aswell.

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Social Services dont take children away willy nilly


Yes they do.


An MP raised the issue of baby-napping by SS a year or two ago. I hoped they (SS) had changed their policies since; looks like I was wrong, and they're still as nasty/scummy as ever.

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me too, sad to say, i learnt the hard way and what they did to my family can never be put right, they destroy lives, not just the parents but the childrens aswell.



I fully agree, they come in, tell you to jump through impossible hoops without having any of the full facts to the case then threaten to take your children if you resist.


I was one of the lucky ones who managed to tell the to take me to court or take a running jump off a very high bridge( they chose the bridge) but i have known people who have actually lost their children all because they were struggling a little and needed some sodding support.


It makes my blood boil.

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With respect you weren't there and only have LL's story..I'm not saying it's wrong..how do you know Social Sevices haven't got it right? It's difficult isn't it and not a job I'd do for a gold clock..


As far as I know, the storys correct, but of course, even my version is second hand. I agree it must be an awfully hard job, particularly when having to follow guidelines rather than your instincts.


I know he came here, to contact the police officer that he needed to speak to, due to him having left the scene before they arrived, and they picked him up from here and took him into the station, where they questioned him and released him immediately without charge, and he was back within 45 minutes. No assault took place, whether she has said it had, or if they had put words into her mouth, nobody knows. The only bit of violence came from her smashing some plates, and she has told SS that. She has said that she is the more violent one, yet it is still the father that they are stopping from seeing the child?

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Quote "When they got home, they had a bit of a domestic, she ended up ringing the police and he walked out before they arrived. The police took a statement from her when she was very, very drunk, which she can't remember giving." ?????? If she was that drunk then how much can she actually remember??????? smashing plates ect despite other adults been there the people must have had a good reason to do what they did,its just lucky the little ones not old enough to witness behaviour like this for goodness sake first and foremost they are supposed to be responsible adults with a very young baby not acting like immature drunken kids

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As far as I know, the storys correct, but of course, even my version is second hand. I agree it must be an awfully hard job, particularly when having to follow guidelines rather than your instincts.


I know he came here, to contact the police officer that he needed to speak to, due to him having left the scene before they arrived, and they picked him up from here and took him into the station, where they questioned him and released him immediately without charge, and he was back within 45 minutes. No assault took place, whether she has said it had, or if they had put words into her mouth, nobody knows. The only bit of violence came from her smashing some plates, and she has told SS that. She has said that she is the more violent one, yet it is still the father that they are stopping from seeing the child?


As I said it's difficult and not a job I'd choose...hanged if you do hanged if you don't.. :)

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Maybe they should do nothing then? Genuine question... what would you do?


my job! instead of picking on innocent situations just so the annual targets are met, just so i could have a great xmas with the money i earnt in bonuses achieved by destroying the lives of familys and most important the childrens lives, when they are getting brought up by strangers, passed from care home to care home, wondering where thier mums and dads are.... i bet it wont be the same social workers that caused it all that explains to the child that all this was caused because your mum and dad went out for a night out and got into a tiff with each other one night!

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With respect you weren't there and only have LL's story..I'm not saying it's wrong..how do you know Social Sevices haven't got it right? It's difficult isn't it and not a job I'd do for a gold clock..



I agree i was not there but i have worked in area's where social services have been involved and i have had to deal with the fall out from it.


They ruin peoples lives and reputations and separate a large number of families because they cannot put in the correct help when its needed.


I am not just talking about children who are being abused here (because nine times outta ten they slip through the net)


I am talking about kids with Autism, Aspergers Syndrome and kids who sometimes just do not want to go to school.

The parents are at their wits end and hope that the social services will offer them help only to be told that they are crap parents and if they dont do this and that then the kids will be removed!

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