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Is there anyone left on here that defends this Government?

do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?

    • yes i support the governments plans to repay the debt
    • no i do not support the governments plan to repay the debt
    • i dont care at all.

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Titanic, if you are so sure there is hardly anyone left who supports this government, why dont you create a poll? Go on, turn this thread into a poll and see what results you get, or do you not want to know the truth?


Listening to the radio on my way home today there was a straw poll taken on peoples views of the Labour party. I heard no one voice outright support for labour and the majority said ditch Miliband, whilst the others called for labour to admit its mistakes. Unfortunately this is something Labour are incapable of doing and echoed by the later interview with a Labour shadow Minister.


Labour are dead in the water while they have their leader and the rest of the back-room cronies frequenting labours front benches. Its a shame as the fabian society have some really good ideas.

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No not at all, your understanding of economics is self evident by all of the claims you have made over how much beter off we all are/were under labour. It was pointed out to you on many occasions that your figures where made up of the steep increase in property, which is not wealth at all. If you managed to accept that fact, I didn't see it.



So which factors do you consider directly affect the price of a property, oddly enough I would suggest some of the following:


Economic growth- More people have money to spend

Unemployment- People won't be able to enter mortgage agreements without a job

Interest rates- Been low for a long time now, I remembr the 15% under the last Tory government

Consumer and market confidence that the economy will do well

Demographics- Good schools, Hospitals, Public Services



So if we agree these factors are relevant and the price of property goes up which it did under Labour, then surely it is reasonable to assume that if the opposite is the case then the prices will come down.


So when they come down, will you accept that this wretched Government have got it badly wrong (Again).

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How do you work that out, the two you've mentioned presided over very high levels of growth.


This lot are presiding over chaos!

Yes, they took over a strong economy that was growing. Did it continue to grow throughout their tenure?


Did house prices only rise under Labour (as they were rising when they took over), or did they start to drop while Labour was in power and years before the coalition took over?

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So which factors do you consider directly affect the price of a property, oddly enough I would suggest some of the following:


The overwhelming factor in the cost of housing is supply and demand. Labour failed to help with the supply and so demand increased creating a false housing bubble. Something they claimed they had banished to history.


Come on Titanic, turn this thread into a poll and let people give you the answer to your question, or are you scared of the results and prefer to hide behind meaningless soundbites and Labour party propaganda?

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Yes, they took over a strong economy that was growing. Did it continue to grow throughout their tenure?


Did house prices only rise under Labour (as they were rising when they took over), or did they start to drop while Labour was in power and years before the coalition took over?


The UK economy was in surplus at the time Labour took charge. It took them less than a year to turn that into a deficit which they hid from the population until it was too late. Blair knew the writing was on the wall and scarpered leaving Brown, the architect of the spending and deceit to take the wrap.

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Economic growth- More people have money to spend - Economic Growth has nothing to do with the money people have to spend and if you think that is the case, I suggest you upgrade from reading Economics explained by the teletubbies.


Unemployment- People won't be able to enter mortgage agreements without a job -

correct, they wont be able to do a lot of things, but how does this make much difference now as unemployment figures are 1% different between Labour and the current government.


Interest rates- Been low for a long time now, I remembr the 15% under the last Tory government -

Are you predicting the future here or assuming one government will do what another did some 10-15 years ago? Shall we judge the Labour party on the winter of discontent?


Consumer and market confidence that the economy will do well

Demographics- Good schools, Hospitals, Public Services -

Labour didnt pay for these, they sold them using PFI, the same PFI that saw deals where our own Inland Revenue's buildings were sold to a company located in a a tax haven! All under Labour.

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Can you accept that the current government was left with a financial disaster to sort out when they came into office?


Can you accept that the worldwide "financial disaster" was created by speculative bankers, and not by liebore? Or are you saying that such was the power of the UK labour party?:hihi:

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Can you accept that the worldwide "financial disaster" was created by speculative bankers, and not by liebore? Or are you saying that such was the power of the UK labour party?:hihi:


If our economy wasn't built upon economic growth via cheap credit, and it also wasn't running a deficit going in the "financial disaster" then maybe we'd be in a better position to avoid the cuts.

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The UK economy was in surplus at the time Labour took charge. It took them less than a year to turn that into a deficit which they hid from the population until it was too late. Blair knew the writing was on the wall and scarpered leaving Brown, the architect of the spending and deceit to take the wrap.


Wrong again, here's the actual data which shows a deficit of around 4% when Labour took over and it took to the financial crisis before that figure was reached again.


If you go back to 1992 you'll discover an even higher figure than the 5% of 1995.


In fact if you go back even further you'll see that deficits tend to be higher during Tory administrations.


But don't let the facts get in the way of your political preference.



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