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Is there anyone left on here that defends this Government?

do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?

    • yes i support the governments plans to repay the debt
    • no i do not support the governments plan to repay the debt
    • i dont care at all.

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Wrong again, here's the actual data which shows a deficit of around 4% when Labour took over and it took to the financial crisis before that figure was reached again.


I'm sorry but you are wrong.


The UK was in surplus in 1997


Look up: Figure 1. Public sector deficit as a percentage of GDP since the Second World War

on here: http://www.ifs.org.uk/bns/bn26.pdf


Or have a read of this: The UK's budget deficit



In 1997, the UK had a budget surplus and shrinking national debt plus falling unemployment. In 1997 UK growth was outstripping most of Europe. Compare that to what Labour had handed over; a bankrupt IMF-bailed out state widely known as 'the sick man of Europe', when they were last thrown out of office back in 1979. In 1997 the UK was a major manufacturer of cars, trucks, trains, aircraft and steel. Where are these industries now?


Stop trying to pass of school boy economics as fact.


Why have you still not turned this thread into a poll? What are you scared of?

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I'm sorry but you are wrong.


The UK was in surplus in 1997


Look up: Figure 1. Public sector deficit as a percentage of GDP since the Second World War

on here: http://www.ifs.org.uk/bns/bn26.pdf


Or have a read of this: The UK's budget deficit



In 1997, the UK had a budget surplus and shrinking national debt plus falling unemployment. In 1997 UK growth was outstripping most of Europe. Compare that to what Labour had handed over; a bankrupt IMF-bailed out state widely known as 'the sick man of Europe', when they were last thrown out of office back in 1979. In 1997 the UK was a major manufacturer of cars, trucks, trains, aircraft and steel. Where are these industries now?


Stop trying to pass of school boy economics as fact.


Why have you still not turned this thread into a poll? What are you scared of?


That first link isn't working, but here is the breakdown from Global Finance.


Tory years from 1992-96








Average deficit 6.26


Labour years 1997-2008















Average 1.61%



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how anyone on here can defend this government in doing what they are doing beggars belief :loopy:. a gov what picks on the weakest and vunerable in society yet gives its rich mates even bigger tax breaks . gives job contracts to other countries before its own workers ? gives aid to other countries while reducing aid for its own people? turning its own people against each other while fiddleing the books while the people are bickering. need i go on :hihi:

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how anyone on here can defend this government in doing what they are doing beggars belief :loopy:. a gov what picks on the weakest and vunerable in society yet gives its rich mates even bigger tax breaks . gives job contracts to other countries before its own workers ? gives aid to other countries while reducing aid for its own people? turning its own people against each other while fiddleing the books while the people are bickering. need i go on :hihi:
How does it 'pick on the weakest'?


Tax. If you over-tax the rich, they pack their bags and go, and you make less money in revenue from them - as well as industry, innovation and development. Labour has demonstrated that in the past.


Contracts. Did Labour not give any contracts to overseas tenderers?


Aid. We've always given overseas aid. Blaire upped it quite a bit to Africa in particular when he was in power - do you choose to overlook that?


Turning people on each other? What's that all about?

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quite easily ricgem, because we know sacrifices have to be made in every part of the country , labours idea of how to pay back 1.3 trillion is to borrow more, that shows just how stupid their party and supporters are !


Oh right, that must be why borrowing was up last year on 2009 and in 2011 is increased further than 2010.

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How does it 'pick on the weakest'?


Tax. If you over-tax the rich, they pack their bags and go, and you make less money in revenue from them - as well as industry, innovation and development. Labour has demonstrated that in the past.


Contracts. Did Labour not give any contracts to overseas tenderers?


Aid. We've always given overseas aid. Blaire upped it quite a bit to Africa in particular when he was in power - do you choose to overlook that?


Turning people on each other? What's that all about?

why are some people allways thinking its ok for the rich to get away with paying as little as possible :huh:yet want the poor to bail them out :loopy:. again the gov want the poor to work for their benefits (is that because theres no jobs:hihi:)
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