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Is there anyone left on here that defends this Government?

do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?

    • yes i support the governments plans to repay the debt
    • no i do not support the governments plan to repay the debt
    • i dont care at all.

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Oh I nearly forgot. They also didn't have debts of 80-90% of GDP in the 1980s/90s or a budget deficit of £175 billion either.


Helped in part by the £50 billion they got from numerous privatisations and the £50 billion plus they got from North Sea oil revenues from 1979 to 1986 (bearing in mind that, index linked £100bn in 1987 would be about £200bn in today's money)

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Sorry Max but the facts are that I'm right and you are ideologically stuck in a watered down and double glossed edition of the Communist Manifesto.


Prove me wrong before I go to the trouble of proving the obvious.


Try not to be silly, it's you who has made outrageous claims based on your mantra of private good public bad.


In all my years at the coalface it's been private sector managers who have implemented poor decisions and then been promoted or moved away before the fall out has occurred.

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Because it was unpopular and Brown thought that the only way to the next election was to bribe the electorate with some big spending plans that it couldn't really afford?


In your opinion it had nothing to do with bailing out the banks? So who did bail out the banks if not the government?


Please explain what Labour's big spending plans were.

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Labour encourages you to stay home and sit on your arse while the hard working pay for your huge TV and your Iceland meals. Tories encourage you to go out and work.


Why should the rich have to pay HALF their earnings in tax to fund the lazy buggers sat at home?


A flat tax rate would be much fairer as the more you earn, the more you pay but its linear rather than hugely disproprtionate and it encourages you to work harder and try to earn more.


The way out is to encourage private spending, not public as the governemnt has no money. Encourage enterprise, something that generally happens under a Conservative government.


Labour's policy of sending 50% of young people through university was a terrible one and resulted in the creation of useless and worthless degrees.

Gordon Brown sold all the gold at the wrong time losing billions, we were taken into two wars one of them illegal and on baseless grounds and spent billions, killed thousands of civilians and hundreds of our young troops and for nothing and yet people still defend them.


Not at all. There is always far higher unemployment under the Tories than under Labour.


One of the first things Tony Blair did when coming into office was to put a windfall tax on the rip off utility company. This was used to help get people back into work after record levels of unemployment under the Tories.


We now have another Tory government and unemployment is on the increase again.


And with regard to the Iraq war Cameron voted for it. It was Bush, Blair and Cameron's war. Cameron has just took us into another war.

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Not at all. There is always far higher unemployment under the Tories than under Labour.


if you want to be that simplistic then if the Tories didn't have to fix the problems caused by Labour maybe unemployment wouldn't be so high each time Labour loses their place in government?


But its not that simple though is it Keith. For both party's there is one common factor behind each rise in unemployment over the last 30+ years and that is recession. Each time there is a recession, unemployment rises. so to try and say its all the torys fault is a little disingenuous


One of the first things Tony Blair did when coming into office was to put a windfall tax on the rip off utility company. This was used to help get people back into work after record levels of unemployment under the Tories.


Labour did indeed help many people get back off of unemployment benefit. They helped them get on Incapacity benefit instead.


We now have another Tory government and unemployment is on the increase again.


And we have another recession.

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if you want to be that simplistic then if the Tories didn't have to fix the problems caused by Labour maybe unemployment wouldn't be so high each time Labour loses their place in government?


But its not that simple though is it Keith. For both party's there is one common factor behind each rise in unemployment over the last 30+ years and that is recession. Each time there is a recession, unemployment rises. so to try and say its all the torys fault is a little disingenuous




Labour did indeed help many people get back off of unemployment benefit. They helped them get on Incapacity benefit instead.




And we have another recession.



So we are in agreement…unemployment is always higher under the Tories. Congratulations, I knew you would come to your senses in the end.


The thing you now need to work on is this crazy notion that people can’t wait to get on the dole. I mean a child of 10 could tell you that being unemployed is one of the worse things that could happen to anyone.


If you think about it for 2 minutes you will realise that you only believe this because you have been told to believe it by the horrible right wing tabloids.


Don’t ever read them again and you will become a much less arrogant and misinformed person.


Good luck

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If you think about it for 2 minutes you will realise that you only believe this because you have been told to believe it by the horrible right wing tabloids.


Don’t ever read them again and you will become a much less arrogant and misinformed person.


Good luck


Its nice to see how the left wing supporters here never change. You cherry pick history to suit their own agenda and will insult anyone who would even whisper a word that is contradictory to your indoctrinated beliefs. Such beliefs that have been consigned to history as a failure. Churchill put it so eloquently when he said; "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery". You my friend are one of the ignorant, envious people described, incapable of thinking anything other then what your socialist masters tell you. I have news for you Keith, your worshipped leaders sold you down the river years ago and gave up your cause as soon as they sniffed money. Where are your political leaders now? Selling their memoirs or sitting in the house of lords lapping up the freebies. Socialism is dead, it only exists in the minds of people who want more but have no intention of working for it.


You have to be a whole new level of stupid to support Labour.

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if you want to be that simplistic then if the Tories didn't have to fix the problems caused by Labour maybe unemployment wouldn't be so high each time Labour loses their place in government?


So we are in agreement…unemployment is always higher under the Tories. Congratulations, I knew you would come to your senses in the end.


You're in agreement that unemployment is always higher under the Tories as a result of a previous Labour term... crikey, that's a turn up for the books! ;)


On that we certainly can agree!

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