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Is there anyone left on here that defends this Government?

do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. do you support the governments plans to repay the uk debt ?

    • yes i support the governments plans to repay the debt
    • no i do not support the governments plan to repay the debt
    • i dont care at all.

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I've heard this said before, but I personally think that critisism of the Tories for not selling gold is a bit harsh.


Selling off substantial amounts of gold is something that should be done as an absolute last resort, if there was a national catastrophe.


Like I said it is perhaps unfair but if nothing else the numbers clear up a few myths around what Brown did, e.g. the scale of the loss.


If people want to talk about losses in the region of £7bn then I think Osborne has already allowed something that will eventually damage him just as greatly as the gold damaged Brown's reputation:


Vodafone £6bn tax wheeze


How many more corporations is Osborne going to let off the hook before 2015? How much will it cost us? The Vodafone deal was announced July 23rd 2010. The following week Osborne was promoting Vodafone in India.


You don't remember the early 80s then.

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Vodafone £6bn tax wheeze


How many more corporations is Osborne going to let off the hook before 2015? How much will it cost us? The Vodafone deal was announced July 23rd 2010. The following week Osborne was promoting Vodafone in India.


You don't remember the early 80s then.


Vodaphone had a very similar argument with the Indian authorities with its tax bill. I think they blagged that too.....:|

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Reading through this thread and others raised by the OP

It would appear that the original title which was was meant to stir up a discussion should perhaps have read "is there anyone on here that believes labour has any form of credibility left or has any chance of forming a government if there was an election next week".

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Reading through this thread and others raised by the OP

It would appear that the original title which was was meant to stir up a discussion should perhaps have read "is there anyone on here that believes labour has any form of credibility left or has any chance of forming a government if there was an election next week".


The answer to that is an obvious no. My view is none of the parties are fit to govern. We've got the worst shower of rubbish for decades on both sides of parliament just at the time we need proper government. A hapless government and a useless opposition :(

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I've heard this said before, but I personally think that critisism of the Tories for not selling gold is a bit harsh.


Selling off substantial amounts of gold is something that should be done as an absolute last resort, if there was a national catastrophe.


It was, the banks' ATMs were just over 24 hours from running dry. anyway, what's the point in saving money if you're not going to spend it at some point? That's not aimed at you BTW. We tried saving for a rainy day, the rainy day came and there was hardly enough money in the banks.


Now we have had a new government for 18 months or so and they haved totally failed to get the UK moving forward. Now they are saying it's not their fault but the fault of the world's economy. You can bet your life when it's election time it'll be all Labour's fault again and it's gauranteed they will try to bribe people with tax cuts for votes.

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Today I am disgusted to read that the government has passed upon the opportunity to give fathers a legal right to see their children after a break up. Next time Cameron is preaching about absent fathers, he doesn't even deserve to be listened to.


This disgusted me too. No legal right but all the financial responsibility they can lay their hands on. This is disgusting. How can a mother have a legal right but not a father, how is this equality?

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Housing Benefit has seen significant reductions for recipients.


Housing benefit was capped to prevent greedy landlords and work shy families from living it up on huge houses while the rest of us scrimped and saved to afford a roof over our heads. The cap does not mean people will be thrown out of their homes. There is plenty of housing available below the limit.


Housing benefit in the UK was completely ****-eyed, some even received more money per month than their actual rent costs and so have a little windfall over others.


Are you saying the new housing benefit system is wrong and people should continue to be supported for years in their home and even be over paid for their rent?

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