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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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Abbas stupidly turned down the quartets proposal of kickstarting the peace talks shortly after his pleading speech at the UN so its fair to say there aren't going to be talks with this Palestinian leadership anytime soon, so screw it, lets build.


Is that the same quartet that has a certain Tony Blair at the helm ? :cool:


As the Gaza disengagement proved to the world, the Israelis can easily take down what they put up, so lets not pretend this is all about 1000 housing units ;)


Really ? - so why have world leaders condemned Israel for what it's doing ?

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Abbas stupidly turned down the quartets proposal of kickstarting the peace talks shortly after his pleading speech at the UN so its fair to say there aren't going to be talks with this Palestinian leadership anytime soon, so screw it, lets build.


As the Gaza disengagement proved to the world, the Israelis can easily take down what they put up, so lets not pretend this is all about 1000 housing units ;)


He was negotiating with them for 18 years you fool and the settlements grown bigger and bigger and the Palestinians being expelled from Jerusalem on a massive scale ..they want him to sign a deal to struck the right of return to thousands of refugees.. it wont happen not after 63 years ... keep wishing :loopy:

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Is that the same quartet that has a certain Tony Blair at the helm ? :cool:




Really ? - so why have world leaders condemned Israel for what it's doing ?


because they're <REMOVED> idiots?


Funny how the only leader not to condemn Israel is Palestinian. ;)


In every peace plan on the table in the past 18 years Gilo "stays part of Jerusalem and therefore this planning decision in no way contradicts" the current Israel government's desire for peace based on two states for the two peoples, he added.


Netanyahu also stressed the construction approval announced on Tuesday was a "preliminary planning decision."




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The US Government is now punishing the Palestinians for daring to approach the UN, by with-holding $200 million aid.




I don't see how rthe US government will now be able to keep up the bare faced lie of supporting negociations for a Palestinian state, after so clearly having demonstrated their true policy - whole hearted support for a greater Israel, permanently incorporating the West Bank.

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The US Government is now punishing the Palestinians for daring to approach the UN, by with-holding $200 million aid.




I don't see how rthe US government will now be able to keep up the bare faced lie of supporting negociations for a Palestinian state, after so clearly having demonstrated their true policy - whole hearted support for a greater Israel, permanently incorporating the West Bank.


a slap in the face of all palestinians for attempting the democratic method for gaining peace.

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The Palestinians wanting freedom and human rights; freedom and human rights from the Occupation.


How dare they :cool:




More people across the globe back UN recognition of Palestine as an independent state than oppose it.






HERE is the truth



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.... but as usual, the Zionist US Admin will use it's vote to veto any last remaining dignity for the Palestinians.




Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is due to submit his bid to the UN for recognition of a Palestinian state.






Israeli terrorists want to talk, yet keep on building their illegal settlements on Palestinian land (not to mention killing them too) :


Palestinian man killed in West Bank by Israeli soldiers/settlers :




here is the truth



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More people across the globe back UN recognition of Palestine as an independent state than oppose it.


"A total of 20,466 people in 19 countries were surveyed with 49% backing the proposal while 21% said their government should oppose it. 30% declined giving a definite answer."


19 Countries. - Less than 10% Of the number of countries in the world.


20,466 people surveyed. - Out of a population of 7 Billion.


From that, how can you say that 'More people across the globe back UN recognition of Palestine as an independent state than oppose it'?


That's hardly a statistically representative poll of the global population.


I wonder what percentage of people in the world could identify the location of the proposed State of Palestine on a map?

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