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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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19 Countries. - Less than 10% Of the number of countries in the world.


20,466 people surveyed. - Out of a population of 7 Billion.


From that, how can you say that 'More people across the globe back UN recognition of Palestine as an independent state than oppose it'?


That's hardly a statistically representative poll of the global population.


I wonder what percentage of people in the world could identify the location of the proposed State of Palestine on a map?


Serious and simple questions.


Why would anybody not support a Palestinian state, if the basis for the claim was Palestinian nationhood? Why would anybody not support a Jewish state, if the basis for the claim was Jewish nationhood?


Both nations want the same thing. Nobody in any other nation in the world who is proud to belong to their nation and enjoys, or at least dreams of, their nation being the foundation for a state would surely want anything different for the Palestinians or the Jews. Why would you or anyone else promote one in preference to the other?

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When Palestinians love there children more than they hate the Jews the chances of peace would improve
yes but the trade in Gaza city for child human shields would collapse, just think how many Paelstinians would be out of business, Ali's Acme Rocket shop, Ali's Human Shield store, Ali 'Burtons' Suicide suits.
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They were declared 'Palestinian citizens' by the Jordanians, in effect this meant they became stateless persons, and no longer automatically entitled, like they were before, to be issued with a Jordanian passport.


We ought to do that with undesirables in this country, we should declare them Palestinians and deport them to Gaza.

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