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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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too much democracy indeed. Even Netanayuhu, it's supposed beneficiary at the moment, in an interview with the Telegraph earlier this year said We now have a coalition in Britain. In Israel, they never have anything else. Has he any advice for David Cameron? He permits himself an amused look: "Lower taxes." Then he adds: "I believe you are thinking of reforming your voting system. Be careful of proportional representation. I give you that as a free tip."

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Syrian Christians haven't disappeared but still about 10%, in fact they've been noticeable by their mostly absence from the protests. They have tended to have been lumped in by the protesters with the government - a lot of Syrian Christians have senior managerial jobs with a lot to lose if the regime falls, not like Egyptian Copts at all, who have pretty much been at the bottom of the pecking order for as long as anyone can remember. Hard line Sunnis think the Assad tribes Alawite beliefs are heretical and too close to Christianity.

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I see none of the forum idiots chose to comment on my links.




What's up. Don't like the truth regarding the IDF cowards being aired on forums or is it you just can't manage an excuse for their disgusting behaviour?

Would these be the same Palestinians who fire their rockets from school yards using their children as shields? and the same Palestinian terrorists who cowardly hide in the guise of civilians?....I just wondered

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Would these be the same Palestinians who fire their rockets from school yards using their children as shields? and the same Palestinian terrorists who cowardly hide in the guise of civilians?....I just wondered

It's alright for Syrian Muslims to attack and murder their own innocent people, It's alright for Egyptian Muslims to attack and murder Christians in Egypt none of the Israeliaphobes on here comment, but let Israel (GCP) retaliate to terrorist attacks by Palestininan or any other muslim controled group and all hell breaks loose.

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the Muslim world looks with eyes of hatred towards Israel because like a spoilt child it wants to have everything. It already has the whole of north Africa through Libya into Egypt through all the 'istan' nations and into Turkey. In every other land in the world they are making demands for recognition and causing conflict and ill feeling with the host people. When in countries like Indonesia they take over then they persecute all other beliefs and systematically murder the infidels..Egypt is next to suffer from their murderous intent..can anyone see a pattern here that involves Islam as a religion of peace?

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the Muslim world looks with eyes of hatred towards Israel because like a spoilt child it wants to have everything. It already has the whole of north Africa through Libya into Egypt through all the 'istan' nations and into Turkey. In every other land in the world they are making demands for recognition and causing conflict and ill feeling with the host people. When in countries like Indonesia they take over then they persecute all other beliefs and systematically murder the infidels..Egypt is next to suffer from their murderous intent..can anyone see a pattern here that involves Islam as a religion of peace?


Islam is the religion of war.

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