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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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lol that kid ****** himself. are you saying kids out there aren't capable of terrorism and violence? its common knowledge that when not being used as shields, some are brainwashed and programmed to fight by brave Hamas warriors.


Maybe give a little context behind your blog images and you might get some response from the forum idiots? Just a thought.

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.... but as usual, the Zionist US Admin will use it's vote to veto any last remaining dignity for the Palestinians.




Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is due to submit his bid to the UN for recognition of a Palestinian state.


He is expected to present a letter in the next few hours requesting admission to the UN shortly before addressing the General Assembly to argue the case.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to speak soon after, and is expected to denounce the move.


Israel and the US oppose it, saying a Palestinian state can only be achieved through talks with Israel.


President Barack Obama told Mr Abbas on Thursday that the US will use its UN Security Council veto to block the move, but Mr Abbas vowed to press ahead with the bid.


Meanwhile in the West Bank, Palestinians are preparing for mass rallies to coincide with the submission of the bid.


Giant TV screens have been set up in several cities so that people can watch Mr Abbas's General Assembly speech, expected at 16:30 GMT




Israeli terrorists want to talk, yet keep on building their illegal settlements on Palestinian land (not to mention killing them too) :


Palestinian man killed in West Bank by Israeli soldiers/settlers :



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.... but as usual, the Zionist US Admin will use it's vote to veto any last remaining dignity for the Palestinians.




Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is due to submit his bid to the UN for recognition of a Palestinian state.






Israeli terrorists want to talk, yet keep on building their illegal settlements on Palestinian land (not to mention killing them too) :


Palestinian man killed in West Bank by Israeli soldiers/settlers :




Just wondering, do all parties to a Palestianian state, fully recognise and support the right of Israel to be a state?

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Absolutely. They all support a 2-state solution.


The only one that doesn't is Israel :cool:


False. The Israeli government definitely DOES want a 2-state solution. They just know it can only come about after talks. Somebody just declaring that they have a state, doesn't mean it exists on the ground.


Israel continues it's illegal settlements (which the entire world condemns), and wants 'peace' talks at the same time.


Don't you find that a little...sick ?

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