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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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No, it's not the symbolic gesture that counts but- rather- recognition as a juridical entity.

That involves other countries in acknowledging a country's sovereignty, e.g. by tweaking their own legal systems, exchanging diplomats/ambassadors, entering into bilateral treaties, permitting travel documentation to be used on a traveller's arrival, etc.

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CXC3000, sorry I'm late to your latest "fascinating" (cough) thread but I've been doing something more interesting than reading your pointless propaganda. What have I been doing, I hear you ask. Watching paint dry - much more satisfying than reading threads started by your goodself and an order of magnitude more relevant to, well, everything really. TTFN.

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oh and why oh why do the likes of CXC300 take the trouble to write 'Zionist terrorists', when they just mean Israel, a Jewish majority state, situated in the Middle East and already a full member of the UN.

Let's guess- because he/she is one or more of:






a troll.

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Peace would be a disaster, not just for Israel but its backer the USA. No way can peace be allowed to happen, ever, as the US economy relies on this.


The USA Military Industrial Complex sells a few billion arms to Israel every year, which is an indirect way of subsidising the US arms industry. Got to keep people employed in something. Well the taxpayers would object with direct subsidies wouldn’t they, as seen socialism, which is communism innit?


Israel itself as shown, or in this country not shown through the media, the demonstrations which demonstrate a divided nation where most are struggling to make ends meet. So war is a necessary social binding tool, where threats with US backing can be created through bombing the defenceless, and less militarily advanced nations. Its easier to invade the nearest nations, and stirring up the weak, so they can be all used for target practice. Well one has to use the weapons for something does not one! All bullies need to find suitable victims!!!!??????


Fortunately they have now taken delivery of some super bombs from the USA, so its no longer “IF” they will bomb Iran but when. Through doing this all the moaning demonstrators, will be called up, to defend the indefensible, I mean Israel. Such an action just might allow Israel to bomb other nations also, one cannot have everyone up in arms can one? . The joy of a pre-emptive strike is such fun. Shame they got the idea from a Philip Dick’s concept in Minority Report, but accusing a nation, or individual of being a potential threat, regardless if they are or not, allows one to perpetrate violence unconditionally, globally if necessary. Well as long as the nations cannot really fight back that is, as that would be unfair.


One can just imagine how they crave to use their 200 nukes on some imagined threat, well that’s what democracy is all about innit!?

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