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Palestine statehood to be announced..

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The Palestinians accept Israel's right to exist; in other words, a 2-state solution.


Why is Israel not happy by this ? - why is it causing so many problems for everyone ?


And the funny thing is, the Palestinians recognise Israel, but Israel doesn't recognise Palestine :(

They do not and never have. Israel has , on several occasions, offered the Palestinians their own territory. Palestinians have constantly refused to accept the terms going back as far as Yasser Arafat. Their aim is the complete destruction of the State of Israel, and none other. Blame the Germans, if you like, for the insistence by the holocaust

survivors on a home of their own. Blame Balfour for promising a homeland to the jews, which he never intended to honour. While ever

rockets continue to be fired on to Israeli citizens in their homes, Israel will continue to retaliate, and they're very good at it.

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live and let live.


this will go on forever at this rate.


somone suicide bombed my family so he joined the israli military and killed a load of families, who all turned into suicide bombers because they had nothing to live for. this made another person join the military with a grudge and shoot more palistinians. ad infinitum.....


its a vishous cycle. forgive, forget and move on.

The Israelis (GCP) only retaliate to terrorist activities.

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They do not and never have. Israel has , on several occasions, offered the Palestinians their own territory. Palestinians have constantly refused to accept the terms going back as far as Yasser Arafat. Their aim is the complete destruction of the State of Israel, and none other. Blame the Germans, if you like, for the insistence by the holocaust

survivors on a home of their own. Blame Balfour for promising a homeland to the jews, which he never intended to honour. While ever

rockets continue to be fired on to Israeli citizens in their homes, Israel will continue to retaliate, and they're very good at it.


You'd think the Arabs would have learned by now.

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you forgot to accept if this is fair or not


I recognise that the Arabs should have their State and live in the land they call Palestine

I recognise that the Jews should have their State and live in the land they call Israel


PLEASE ANSWER a very simple YES or NO






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Bibi Says ‘Yes’ to Quartet, Leaves Abbas Up a Diplomatic Tree


Netanyahu agrees to the Quartet’ idea for renewed talks with the PA and may have checkmated Abbas, who cannot back down from his UN ploy.


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has agreed to the Quartet’s proposal for renewed talks with the Palestinian Authority and may have check-mated Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who cannot back down from his strategy of asking the United Nations for recognition of the PA as a sovereign nation without talks with Israel.


The Prime Minister met with senior Cabinet ministers Tuesday night, who decided to accept the proposal for direct talks next month for the first time in two years.


The Quartet proposed a timetable for renewed talks and for a final settlement but did not meet Abbas’ demand for a total freeze of Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and in large areas of Jerusalem, which he insists on seizing for the capital of the PA.


"The Palestinians cannot negotiate any proposal that is not based on 1967 borders and does not ensure a settlement freeze in the West Bank," Abbas recently told the pan-Arab daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat.


Israel replied with facts on the ground and announced Tuesday that it will build 1,100 more residential units in Gilo, located in southern Jerusalem and within view of Bethlehem, where Arab terrorists shelled the neighborhood during the Second Intifada, also known as the Oslo War that broke out in 2000.


Abbas has left himself up a diplomatic tree without a ladder by appealing to the United Nations Security Council. It is far from certain that he has the needed two thirds majority for sending to the General Assembly a motion that the Palestinian Authority be accepted as a full member state according to its own territorial terms.


His U.N. strategy unilaterally changed the rules of the game and placed him in opposition to a large number of Western nations who from day one have supported his demands for concessions from Israel towards establishing the PA as a new country within Israel’s borders.


His failure to force Israel to agree to all of his preconditions, based on the Saudi 2002 Initiative, has left him to be seen as “weak and tired by his own people,” according to an analysis in the Christian Science Monitor, whose editorial stance for years has been supportive of Abbas.



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Hey Jericho, what do you think of Israel's 'sincerity' towards peace here :


World Leaders Condemn Israel's East Jerusalem Plan


U.S., European and Palestinian leaders have condemned Israel's plan to construct 1,100 new housing units in east Jerusalem, a move that could raise already heightened tensions after last week's Palestinian bid to seek United Nations membership.




'Check' (but not quite 'mate') to Bibi and his terrorist co-horts.

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Abbas stupidly turned down the quartets proposal of kickstarting the peace talks shortly after his pleading speech at the UN so its fair to say there aren't going to be talks with this Palestinian leadership anytime soon, so screw it, lets build.


As the Gaza disengagement proved to the world, the Israelis can easily take down what they put up, so lets not pretend this is all about 1000 housing units ;)

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