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Would you vote Conservative in local and national elections?


I'd vote Conservative in (tick one or more)  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. I'd vote Conservative in (tick one or more)

    • local elections
    • national elections

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I really don't understand why people still buy into Labour politics.


Conservative ideology is small government, low taxes. I do not know anybody that rather wouldn't pay less tax and have less state interference in their lives.


Conservatives stand for ambition, I don't know anybody that wouldn't want to better their standard of living.


Conservatives are traditionally strong on law & order, I don't know anyone that doesn't want to see tougher sentancing for criminals.


Conservatives traditionaly want to be tough but fair on immigration, as do most people I know.


The Conservatives are far more representative of the working class than labourites would like to let on :)




Usual old guff!

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They put VAT up. Where are these low taxes you mentioned?


Ken Clarke wants to stop putting people in prison


The Tories are mostly ex Eton Public school boys.


So far from being a low tax, law and order, everyman party, in power they've done exactly the opposite.


Unfortunately the VAT and prison policy is all a sign of the economic times.

Conservatives would dearly love to reduce tax and put more people away, and if they could they would. As far as lots of them being from Eton is concerned, it doesn't bother me one bit, because this whole class warfare thing doesn't interest me one bit.

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There are quite a few of us - at least, in the nice parts of town ;)


Less than 50 000 votes for the Tories in all Sheffield constituencies in 2010.


It should have been like shooting fish in a barrel after the Brown government, yet they only attracted the vote of about 20% of the electorate.


"Few" is a very apposite choice of word.

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As far as lots of them being from Eton is concerned, it doesn't bother me one bit, because this whole class warfare thing doesn't interest me one bit.
Indeed. If someone makes a success of themselves and can afford to send their children to a top school that will almost certainly see their child eventually end up in a top job, then i cant do nothing else but doff my cap at them and think 'well done chap'.
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Less than 50 000 votes for the Tories in all Sheffield constituencies in 2010.


It should have been like shooting fish in a barrel after the Brown government, yet they only attracted the vote of about 20% of the electorate.


"Few" is a very apposite choice of word.

As has been said before on this forum, the Labour Party could pin a red rossette on a donkey and run it in and election and it would still win a seat. Most Labour voters in the city dont give a damn about a candidates policies, only that the party they're running for has the word labour in it.
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Everybody is a Tory at heart. Ask any working person if they would rather pay less tax.


Oddly enough I don't object to paying a few quid more so that my kid can go to a decent school, unfortunately some on here won't have this opportunity now thanks to the Government you support.

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