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TV Licence..What you need one for?

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I like many more of you out there would like to have a moan about the cost of a coloured TV Licence.:(

I had a remind come though the post the other day I could not belive it, £145.50p for the rubbish that is on TV, this is NOT vaule for money.:(


Disagree entirely, for the amount paid the return is excellent, one of the few things I pay that actually delivers.

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Disagree entirely, for the amount paid the return is excellent, one of the few things I pay that actually delivers.


Is right. I pay about £300 a year for 1 daily newspaper. Twice what I pay for a TV licence and for that I get all of the BBC's output. Several TV channels a massive web resource and dozens of radio stations. I realise it's not very popular to say so round here but I would pay it for radio 4 alone. All the rest is a bonus.

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Lets not forget what we are actually paying here....


The TV License was introduced to fund the BBC and keep it advert free (after some government related banter and arguing).


Therefore, although the law of the land states we need to have a TV license in the UK in order to own a TV, doesn't mean that the value is instantaneously redeemed by the deluges of BBC channels, programs and watching mediums.


I for 1, pay SKY a wedge of cash each month for the top shelf subscription with FULL HD, Movies, sport, 3D and those strange Estonian religous channel that nobody watches. The level of BBC shows we watch over the course of the year is minimal when taking in retrospect of the other 999999 channels of rubbish our box receives.


I personally do not see the value in the TV license. Im not bothered by the fact that the BBC is advert free as the amount of consumers using premium channel services like Sky or Virgin, On demand/internet on demand, free view, Internet based on demand services and SKY+ to help watch what they WANT to watch. All of these services use adverts at some point during their broadcasts and programming and we are all fine with it...perfect brew making/sprinkle tinkle/fag time for all.


To top this insult to our intelligence, it has become more apparent in recent years, that the BBC find it acceptable that the license paying viewer would like to watch ADVERTS on BBC channels which showcase their own trash!


BBC - you did a great job back in the day, when you were the British Broadcasting Company, but now your just a microcosm of the available TV networks in our internationally diverse and integrated TV viewing society.


Fact remains however, that if you TV ha a tuner, or you can possibly view LIVE TV (not on demand etc) you must posses a TV license, it's the only way they keep affording to make Antiques Road Show and Songs Of Praise on air!


We know it stinks, but what can we do - paying £145.50/year just to be legally able to watch BBC channels (oh sorry, I meant the TV!)

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I'd pay £150 a year for Radio 4 alone tbh.


We almost do anyway given the amount of television we watch.


I can hardly bear to watch the commercial infested 8 hour garbage loop that constitutes most channels nowadays.


Just to be able to watch a whole programme as it is broadcast without being interrupted by satanic fellatio featuring slebs endorsing the latest status indicator object or smell, is a welcome relief in the unlikely event of there being anything good on.


To have one national broadcaster with a recognised international reach that is literally unrivalled, not dominated by commercial considerations, not run for the profit of its shareholders, hated by governments of all complexions here and abroad, and with almost the longest track record in innovation and production in the business, is worth keeping in my opinion. It's one of Britain's few remaining 'Crown Jewels' - things that Britain have and that no other place in the world can even claim to have.


£150 a year seems cheap to me.


Many people will say that it is a shadow of its former self. I can't argue with that - the whole thing was part privatised by the tories, and although the tea allegedly improved, I didn't see many other positive changes.


I can't see much of a future for it once the licence fee goes, and it's going to be a terrible awful, irreversible shame to see the BBC destroyed at its foundations like that.

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£150 a year seems cheap to me.


Same here. Even if you only watch or listen to one show throughout the year it's still excellent value for money.


I watched the excellent BBC coverage of the F1 at the weekend. When this moves to Sky in the near future, I would have to pay more than double that, and still put up with adverts.

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I like many more of you out there would like to have a moan about the cost of a coloured TV Licence.:(

I had a remind come though the post the other day I could not belive it, £145.50p for the rubbish that is on TV, this is NOT vaule for money.:(


Also there was a booklet with the remind, that informed that you need a TV Licence for : *TV Set, *Digital Box, *DVD/VHS Recorder....right I know you will know that but also on the list was :MOBILE PHONE, *COMPUTER, *GAMES CONSOLE :confused:....how many of you didn't know that and could be breaking the law.


What's next will you need a TV Licence of a car Sat Nav, or a kiddies toy


You only need a licence for kit that has been "installed" for watching TV. If you havea TV hooked up to a DVD player, and it cannot receive broadcasts then you don't need a licence for it - same for a PC, mobile etc - you only need a licence if they are installed for reception.

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