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Your reaction to a loved one wrongly executed

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How does it do that exactly?


That's an easy one. Example:

Some time ago in Iran a young woman had acid thrown in her face by a man she rejected. It disfigured her face and blinded her.


The Iranian judge ruled that the woman in turn would be allowed to disfigure and blind the man using the same method. Whether she actually did or not I dont know. So that is justice Iranian style


This story attracted the attention of the western media at the time.


If unbalanced and clueless people advocate the revenge killing of judges then that fits right in

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That's an easy one. Example:

Some time ago in Iran a young woman had acid thrown in her face by a man she rejected. It disfigured her face and blinded her.


The Iranian judge ruled that the woman in turn would be allowed to disfigure and blind the man using the same method. Whether she actually did or not I dont know. So that is justice Iranian style


This story attracted the attention of the western media at the time.


If unbalanced and clueless people advocate the revenge killing of judges then that fits right in


Who is advocating the revenge killing of judges?


I am advocating the death penalty for handing down the death penalty to innocent people - do they have that in Iran?

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I'm sure innocent people have paid with their lives for a crime they did not commit, the legal system is flawed and is bound to make mistakes. As for how it would feel if that happened to someone I loved, I cannot even begin to imagine, but I'm sure I would spend the rest of my life trying to prove their innocence so that everyone would know the injustice of it

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Who is advocating the revenge killing of judges?


I am advocating the death penalty for handing down the death penalty to innocent people - do they have that in Iran?


Dont' you even undertamding ANYTHING about the way the judicial system works ? ? ?


Why would a freakin judge pass the death penalty on an inocent person ? ?


Let me give you the basics of common law:


A person is arrested for committing a crime


That person under the law is presumed innocent before the trial starts


A jury of 12 is selected by the court to hear his case


The trial begins


Evidence is presented by the prosecutor before the court (jury included)


The lawyer for the defendant makes the case for his innocence before the court (jury included)


Closing arguments are presented to the jury by the prosecutor and the defence counsel


The presiding judge issues his intructions to the jury


The jury retires to deliberate


The jury reaches a verdict. In this case after examining all the evidence the jury unanimously reaches a guilty verdict


The jury foreman reads the verdict to the court "guilty"


The judge then passes sentence


Therefore: Why in hell do you think that the judge is sentencing an innocent man???? :loopy:


What do you think juries are for? Wall decorations ??


It seems that more SF members should be called for jury duty in Sheffield courts and in that way they might not be so inclined to start daft threads about "judges sentencing innocent people



Blimey !!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Dont' you even undertamding ANYTHING about the way the judicial system works ? ? ?

Blimey !!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Yes. There's no need for histrionics.


I'm hypothesising the execution of an innocent friend or member of my family through a miscarriage of justice.


I'm assuming you have heard of that term?


That is the entire premise of the thread, as you will see from the title where it says wrongly executed




This is a thought experiment, perhaps if you read the thread this will become apparent to you.


Your assumption that everyone is more stupid than you - when you can't even take the trouble to read what is being written within the context of the thread, so that you inevitably end up getting hold of the wrong end of the stick, flying off the handle and strewing your posts with exclamation marks and sarcastic smileys - is your forum trademark.


Long may you continue with it.

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Yes. There's no need for histrionics.


I'm hypothesising the execution of an innocent friend or member of my family through a miscarriage of justice.I'm assuming you have heard of that term?


That is the entire premise of the thread, as you will see from the title where it says wrongly executed




This is a thought experiment, perhaps if you read the thread this will become apparent to you.


Your assumption that everyone is more stupid than you - when you can't even take the trouble to read what is being written within the context of the thread, so that you inevitably end up getting hold of the wrong end of the stick, flying off the handle and strewing your posts with exclamation marks and sarcastic smileys - is your forum trademark.


Long may you continue with it.




Well sh*te happens. Not much you can do about it since the family member or friend is dead


Dont talk about executing judges though. That's just ridiculous. If the trial was a fair one and the evidence absolutely conclusive as to guilt why would you say any miscarriage could be involved? :loopy:


Maybe judges should be issued crystal balls so that they will be able to foretell future turns of events involving the cases that they presided over :hihi:


The biggest miscarriage of justice was the Timothy Evans case. Evans was below average intelligence and the police investigation was bungled and he was persuaded to write a statement which incriminated him plus Halliday Christie, the real murderer of Evans wife and child lied in court when testifying against Evans.


If Evans had had a decent lawyer he could have easily demolished the prosecutions case but he was assigned a two bit one instead


Evans in line with the British capital Punishment laws in the early 50s was executed shortly afterwards.


British author Ludovic Kennedy later on wrote a book about it which attracted wide spread attention and many say was the start to abolish the death penalty in Britain


The British system was Victorian and archaic and was a dead ringer for innocents to be wrongfully executed

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You mean sort of incorporating some kind if Islamic law into western judicial law?


Don't be daft :hihi: :hihi:

No that wasn't my meaning, I wasn't trying to make a link between the two like you are doing. If it fits though, then yes on that particular point. Did you think this would wind me up or something? If in Islamic law, judges can be held accountable for executing innocent people, I fully support that part of the law.


Yeah! Fits right in with Iranian law :D

What is it with you?

The judge only rules on points of law; he is not responsible for evidence, or lack of evidence, leading to a conviction.

The Judge is responsible for the death of an innocent. It's as simple as that.

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Dont' you even undertamding ANYTHING about the way the judicial system works ? ? ?


Why would a freakin judge pass the death penalty on an inocent person ? ?


Let me give you the basics of common law:


A person is arrested for committing a crime


That person under the law is presumed innocent before the trial starts


A jury of 12 is selected by the court to hear his case


The trial begins


Evidence is presented by the prosecutor before the court (jury included)


The lawyer for the defendant makes the case for his innocence before the court (jury included)


Closing arguments are presented to the jury by the prosecutor and the defence counsel


The presiding judge issues his intructions to the jury


The jury retires to deliberate


The jury reaches a verdict. In this case after examining all the evidence the jury unanimously reaches a guilty verdict


The jury foreman reads the verdict to the court "guilty"


The judge then passes sentence


Therefore: Why in hell do you think that the judge is sentencing an innocent man???? :loopy:


What do you think juries are for? Wall decorations ??


It seems that more SF members should be called for jury duty in Sheffield courts and in that way they might not be so inclined to start daft threads about "judges sentencing innocent people



Blimey !!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yes, because there's no possibility of cover-ups, lies or bad memory, let alone corruption and fall-guys. It could OBVIOUSLY never happen.


Care to give a response to the OP?

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Well sh*te happens. Not much you can do about it since the family member or friend is dead


Dont talk about executing judges though. That's just ridiculous. If the trial was a fair one and the evidence absolutely conclusive as to guilt why would you say any miscarriage could be involved? :loopy:


Maybe judges should be issued crystal balls so that they will be able to foretell future turns of events involving the cases that they presided over :hihi:


The biggest miscarriage of justice was the Timothy Evans case. Evans was below average intelligence and the police investigation was bungled and he was persuaded to write a statement which incriminated him plus Halliday Christie, the real murderer of Evans wife and child lied in court when testifying against Evans.


If Evans had had a decent lawyer he could have easily demolished the prosecutions case but he was assigned a two bit one instead


Evans in line with the British capital Punishment laws in the early 50s was executed shortly afterwards.


British author Ludovic Kennedy later on wrote a book about it which attracted wide spread attention and many say was the start to abolish the death penalty in Britain


The British system was Victorian and archaic and was a dead ringer for innocents to be wrongfully executed


I see that you edit your posts quite frequently, the above being a prime example.


You spout off without thought and then as an afterthought seem scurry off to Google do a bit of relevant reading and then re-hash a case the majority of people are very familiar with in order for you to look knowledgeable on any given subject.


Strange, very strange.

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