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Your reaction to a loved one wrongly executed

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Speaking of queens. Arent they middle aged guys who wear toupees, powder their faces to hide the wrinkles and also pseudo intellectuals who use French words when English ones would suffice??


Hello! Am I speaking to one? :hihi: :hihi:


Make up your mind, difficult I know due to the rapidly decreasing brain cell count, one minute I'm a teenager who knows nothing, then an uneducated 'airhead' and now

you intimate I am a homosexual who dresses in a foppish manner.


You really are quite a guy, boring and painfully thick, but quite a guy non the less.


I see you still can't admit you are wrong though. :roll:

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Innocent people being hung did happen in Britain during the capital punishment years. That's because as soon as they were condemned to death they were almost rushed to the gallows.


It was a Victorian mindset that also believed that caning should be a disciplinary punishment for school kids.

I know. I lived in Britain during those years


You'r older than I thought, explains a great deal. :hihi:

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Your OP started off alright old sausage but you lost it in the last paragraph by coming up with the daft question or suggestion that judges and even those who are employed by the corrections department should be put to death.


Judges dont execute people nor even executioners. The people who do it "are we the people" We abide by and support laws and courts to regulate society's behaviour.


An accused in court is always Joe Smith versus the PEOPLE. ThAT'S YOU !


So the blood is always on your hands indirecly old sport


A Judge carrying out his actions in my name (the people) does not make me to blame.

The Judge doesn't HAVE to pass a death sentence.


No matter how much you wriggle, an innocent person has been executed.


Once more. Have you ever sat on a jury??? Please answer the question


Not a problem, no I haven't.


Now, can you answer the question, what makes punishing a Judge who's killed an innocent person any more ridiculous than punishing anyone else for killing an innocent person?

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A Judge carrying out his actions in my name (the people) does not make me to blame.

The Judge doesn't HAVE to pass a death sentence.


No matter how much you wriggle, an innocent person has been executed.




Not a problem, no I haven't.


Now, can you answer the question, what makes punishing a Judge who's killed an innocent person any more ridiculous than punishing anyone else for killing an innocent person?



I doubt he can answer anything in a coherant manner judging by his photo album:


Harleyman 'jammin' with his only friend.

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A Judge carrying out his actions in my name (the people) does not make me to blame.

The Judge doesn't HAVE to pass a death sentence.


No matter how much you wriggle, an innocent person has been executed.




Now, can you answer the question, what makes punishing a Judge who's killed an innocent person any more ridiculous than punishing anyone else for killing an innocent person?


You havent sat on a jury. Then you're out of your depth. I believe you base your views on something akin to middle eastern law.

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