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After ten years Muslims make a stand against extremism.

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That's nice but where is the opportunity to slag them off with this post ?


Where are you going with this one, are they all on benefits... ?



:D No its good to see that there is good people in the world, we don't get reminded enough in the media, doom and gloom seems to sell more.


Well Done to this Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri bloke :thumbsup:

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Oh, FGS, it's been going on for years, it's just that it doesn't usually make the headlines when it's about the 99.9999 % of Muslims who aren't extremists.


I've already pointed out in a previous (now closed) thread about the fatwa against terrorism that was given out by Muslim scholars.

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Oh, FGS, it's been going on for years, it's just that it doesn't usually make the headlines when it's about the 99.9999 % of Muslims who aren't extremists.


I've already pointed out in a previous (now closed) thread about the fatwa against terrorism that was given out by Muslim scholars.


It's not been very effective so far. You can provide your links here if you wish.


Have other Muslims taken notice of the Fatwa from last year?

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Is it a case of too little too late? Has the practice of just standing by and protecting the extremists done too much irreversible damage for the muslim community?


Do you think the average Muslim knows who the extremists are ? - do you think they wear a T-shirt saying 'look, we're about to kill you' ? :cool:


Shall we bring you to book for not telling us about murderers and rapists in your area ?


The sooner the racists and Islamophobes stop blaming every Muslim on the planet for the actions of a few, the better we'd all be.

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Of course they have to be seen doing something, everyone would be able to see they're all the same otherwise and that would make their collective goal of a islamic world so much harder. Of course this conference was in London but I wonder if they would say similar things if the conference was held in an islamic country where they'd feel safer airing their views?

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Oh, FGS, it's been going on for years, it's just that it doesn't usually make the headlines when it's about the 99.9999 % of Muslims who aren't extremists.


I've already pointed out in a previous (now closed) thread about the fatwa against terrorism that was given out by Muslim scholars.

What excatly is a fatwa?

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Do you think the average Muslim knows who the extremists are ? - do you think they wear a T-shirt saying 'look, we're about to kill you' ? :cool:


Shall we bring you to book for not telling us about murderers and rapists in your area ?


The sooner the racists and Islamophobes stop blaming every Muslim on the planet for the actions of a few, the better we'd all be.

A few? let's get this right. A muslim country namely Pakistan harboured world number one terrorist Osama Bin Liner in comfort for years, the main terrorist training camps for muslim extremists are known to be in Pakistan. The US senior military officer has just stated that the Pakistani secret service are in cahoots with the terrorist organisation that recently attacked the US embassy in Kabul.

And this is just one Muslim country.

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