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Would you ever vote for another party?

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Recent research shows that 24% of people would always vote Labour, 19% would always vote Conservative and as many as 5% would always vote Lib Dem.

This does seem to be vey encouraging for Labour as in the dark years of the Tory dominated 1980's I remember the Cons having a higher share when this question was posed.

Aslo 42% say they would never vote Tory, with only 30% saying they would never vote Labour. 36% also said they would never vote Lib Dem.



See below:


YouGov/Sunday Times – CON 36, LAB 42, LDEM 11

24 Sep 2011

This week’s YouGov poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 36%, LAB 42%, LDEM 11%. Eleven percent is actually the highest Lib Dem score that YouGov, who tend to show the lowest figures for the Lib Dems, have shown for just over a month. Nevertheless, it is less than stunning for a conference boost. As ever, I’ll post a full report when the tables appear tomorrow morning.


In the Sunday papers there are also some figures from a YouGov poll for IPPR in the Observer*, which asked how likely people were to vote for each party, giving us an idea of the core vote and the ceiling for each party. For the Conservatives 19% of people would always vote Tory, 42% would never vote Tory; for Labour 24% say they would always vote Labour, 30% would never vote for them; for the Lib Dems just 5% would always vote for them, 36% would never vote for them.


(*and for those somewhat surprised to find YouGov conducting telephone polls, it’s just a mistake in the Observer. It was an online poll as usual!)

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I think a lot of the people who are die-hard Labour voters are very old and dying off now. Younger people have realised that Labour have taken them for a ride, used them for votes and then ignored them in favour of more exotic pets such as immigrants and criminals.


I do not see Labour ever getting back into power in the parties current form.

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I have seen voters who used to be passionate about the old Labour party turn away from the modern Labour party.


I agree. I'm in that situation myself.


I very nearly voted Libdem at the last election, I won't be considering that for a while now.


And I definitely agree with that. Along with many others. See below for details


I think a lot of the people who are die-hard Labour voters are very old and dying off now. Younger people have realised that Labour have taken them for a ride, used them for votes and then ignored them in favour of more exotic pets such as immigrants and criminals.


I do not see Labour ever getting back into power in the parties current form.


You seem to be ignoring the party's current form. They have made solid, but unspectacular progress. Admittedly, their main tactic at the moment seems to be to shut up and let the toffs in the Tory party tell everyone else to tighten their belts. Not a bad tactic, if you think about it.


The latest polls suggest a close two horse race, with the Lib Dems disappearing up their own orifices. And yes, I do know that it is only an opinion poll, but we have no other evidence to go on.

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As others have said, we too have met "die hard voters," that will vote for a politcal party come rain, shine or the abyss, fact.


We have never voted in a general election, fact. Many idiots have argued with us that we should not have a say as we chose not to vote. We then have to educated them by the very fact that to vote, one must have a right. to have the right to vote, freedom and freddom to express ones selves gives us the birth right to refuse to vote for lying, cheating, two faced, selfish, at at time criminally motivated people. Then we provided them with a simple scenario, ie if you are given the choice to jump of a plane without a parachute at 3000, 5000, and 2000 feet which would they chose - sadly some start seriusoly considering the options. The answer is simple for educated people that are also socially adept, ie you vote for none of the above FACT


Please note the post reflects our honest views and not aimed at anyone in particular and this is a simple fact.

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