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Could this be sinus infection??

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I have had problems with my nasal passages being very very dry now for the last 3-4 yrs...I have visited my gp several times and have been given different medications to try to relieve the symptoms but as yet nothing has worked.

Lately..well the last year or so my nose is starting to feel very very sore as well as dry. I use huge amounts of vaseline each day to try to relieve this. (the gp has said that the vaseline wont do me any harm at all).....my right nostril is the worse...that is up until last weekend when it suddenly changed and now my left nostril/nasal passage is extremely sore, and I mean sore. I went to see the gp the other day who said I needed to try a steroid nasal spray twice daily as she couldnt refer me to an ENT specialist until I had tried this. I explained the pain to her ...she pulled a face...and told me to go back after using the spray for 3weeks.

The pain I am now feeling I can only describe as a similar pain to when you get abcesses on your teeth, but inside my left nasal passage, I have got headache, pressure around my face on the left, and my ear keeps going as if its going to 'pop' but doesnt. I know this sounds crazy but thats the only way I can describe what it feels like. Its like a 'drawing' feeling within my nose.

I have googled sinus infections etc and was wondering if it could be that.

Does anyone one here suffer with sinus trouble and if they do, does this sound like what I am experiencing. I have noticed when i use the steroid nasal spray, it stings and burns like mad then my nose is even more dry within an hour or so. Its like toothache pain but inside your nose. Any advice would be much appreciated as its now driving me crazy. Thanks.

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No I havent been to dentist recently cos I am absolutely petrified. I have suffered with abcesses on my teeth in the past, mainly when I was pregnant, but this pain isnt in my teeth, or it doesnt feel like my teeth, maybe a good idea to get my teeth checked just to be sure, I seem to be getting nowhere fast with my gp but thanks for your advice, much appreciated.

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